Covid (Clean &) Press Release Log 3/18/20 – 3/31/20

Log & Notes :

18th –
Military Press ~14×10 + 1×20 @ 95
Standing Triceps Extension
normal reps 30, 50 @ bar
super slow 15 x bar

The standing barbell extensions were the best tricep pump of my life, and on a different head than during good pumps from pushups.

I train on uneven dirt, and have to figure out bringing equipment to a parking lot for the possible video at the end of this.

The press is a total body lift. It’ll only be a higher # when I coordinate firing quads (good at this), glutes, and how to use my lats as a shelf to pop the bar up.

I’m big and strong, a strong presser, and good for a 225lb clean.

The triceps and the actual power clean are key here.

The press is a great lift for quads and triceps.

19th –
Military Press
24 fail 25, 16 @ 115lb
Standing Triceps Extension
60 x bar (reps 1-5, and 45-50 slow, otherwise normal rep speed)

I thought I’d be good for 25×115, it was failure on the 25th, leaning hard to the left, unable to elevate the bar past arms half extended.

Didn’t use my quads as effectively as yesterday. My traps pumped up nicely.

The extensions pump the tricep more starting with normal rep speed. Slow/super slow is better as a finisher. I like the movement, I feel it well, and instead of rushing to up weight I’ll be pushing the reps on this ala Carter/Poundstone curls. In all honesty I’m doing the movement thinking “if they work well for her” in regards to this petite fitness chick I know doing them, and she’s wicked strong for 5′ nothing 105-115. That’s a lesson I’ve learned at planet fitness, open mind, and observation. I’m learning gym stuff observing the in shape of all ages, both sexes, and all builds. Then applying as applicable. Standing extensions are a movement I can do right now.

I like the idea of purposefully bulking the triceps. Standing extensions would be a good feeder workout.

20th –
Military Press
4×15, 1×25 @ 115
25 x bar

The presses felt heavier today, makes sense, I was on roughly hour 20 of fasting when I lifted, range of motion wasn’t the greatest. I’ll be more swole a few weeks away from the gym. During the lift I thought “take a few days off from pressing to super compensate”, nope, I said bulgarian for the rest of the month.
High reps is base building, we’ll see if I peak, or keep the reps high.

21st –
Military Press
10×10 @ 100

When you’re pressing, pay attention to the center line, pressing too far back of that line while arching is where falling back balance is an issue.

Pressing is hugely underrated for the quads. Squeeze them, it’s a great flexing movement for them.

Today I did 9 of 10 sets with a straight/stiff leg clean. It feels better when you’re pulling low with a 25 on the side for height, compared to the same movement (slpc) with a 45lb plate, and even a normal power clean at normal 45lb plate height. I’ve always liked sldl and slpc variants, and pulling from a deficit. Long term I could just do slpc & press investing in a bunch of pairs of 25s, or get better equipment and logistics and do the movement on a raised platform for the deficit. A bunch of 25s is more difficult than the same weight in 45s as the weight is out further from your center.

I spent a lot of time today wanting a heavy fat bar globe barbell to clean and press with. I bet ½oz daily of microloading would be unnoticed by the body, lift it 2x a day AM/PM, you’d start at something you could hit cold…and each year it’s about 12lbs heavier. I can see this working amazingly long term. Over 300lbs like it’s nothing within a decade.

GVT is meant to be high frequency. I may just stick to daily 10×10. I used the tally clicker.

Just 4 days of presses (and some overhead tricep extensions) in and pushups feel easier. While so many are piss scared and staying home I’m getting more yoked day after day without that gym access.
The forecast shows J pressing in the snow and rain, I’ve already pressed in light rain. Hell yeah, bring on the weather!

Today I had eaten a bagel at 11am, drank carrot juice at 1pm alongside a beef jerky stick, homemade ground turkey bean nachos 230pm before pressing at about 4pm. The preceding days were training completely fasted 0 calories, lifting after 11am and finished before 3pm

22nd –

Military Press
10×10 @ 105

Trained without being fasted, light meal of peanut butter pretzels and american cheese with glass of grape juice at noon. Trained at 115pm

Lifting straight up with the elbows, lats as an elevator shelf, feels stronger than mentally pushing through the hands. When you flex quads at right point bar powers through, this could be sticking point technique. Quads flexed makes negative far more easily controlled. Entire lift spent thinking of personal training fitness chicks (here) and living in SoCal done right (money, bodybuilding, motorcycle, bull)

23rd –
Military Press
17, 16, 5 x135
Overhead Squat
25 x bar

Trained fasted 1245-1pm, mentally wanted a little heavier, something other than 10×10. It was/I felt cold. Right side of my chest muscle felt stressed, it did also yesterday. Overhead probably places more stress on upper chest than incline bench. Yoke has crazy pump. 2nd set felt better than the 1st which I just described, less pec stress, better conscious thought into how it should feel. Both sets likely would’ve failed the next rep. The set of 5 was just extra credit form practice. I didn’t want to go inside, I enjoyed the cold fresh air. And did the overhead squats to feel alive. It’s crazy how loose my pants feel at 265 just without regular barbell work. Barbells really do thicken the midsection. Press (at any rep range) and overhead squat (high reps) is a solid minimalist program requiring only a 300lb weight set. No headphones this session, it’s better this way.

24th –
DB Press 3 x each side 75lber

Work came up, hence I used this bell real quick.

1130pm (long day)
Military Press
50+ x bar

50+ is the best rep range. AMRAPS from empty bar to 135, 155, 165, or 185 would be a solid workout

25th –
Military Press
70 x bar

Just felt like a high rep set, pushing sets of 50+, completely fasted at 415pm. Ended with just enough burpees to be out of breath to better earn the following meal. I really like burpees now.

26th –

Military Press
60 x 65lb
13 x 155lb
5 x 185lb w/ loud count off
3 x 185lb w/loud count off
17 x 135lb
Overhead Squats
30 x bar

The night before I had 50 reps at 65lb, and 20 reps at 155lb in mind. I ended up with 60 and 13 reps respectively. The rest were bonus sets.

Music choices – Animus “Kamikaze” and “Beast”, and J Vengeance “Rise and Grind” from the collaboration burpees videos.

Lifted at 2pm, ate a sandwich at 1130am.

Need to make the weights feel lighter, 10×3 or 10×5 @ 135 would be a good point to train up from.

27th –
Military Press
50, 45 x 75lb
Standing Triceps Extension
50 x bar
Overhead Squats
20 x bar

Super high reps are more challenging to the shoulder girdle. Low reps are more of a total body exercise. Training the 50+ rep sets. Did some 4 count jumping jacks. Add cardio to workouts, you’re only better for it. You’d be just fine with burpees, pushups, bw squats, and jumping jacks.

28th –
2×100 @ bar
Jumping Jacks
25 4 count
Military Press
80 x bar without pause
50 x bar without pause
Jumping Jacks
25 4 count

Thought of serious strength endurance this session. 100s on shrugs, true high rep effort on the light presses, I can make the presses be like pushups as far as stimuli, strength endurance all day. Great pump, in the entire shoulder girdle, neck/trap upper insertion, and on the side between lat and ribcage.

The 27th was the same amount of jumping jacks. I decided not only is it next months PT challenge, but I’m continuing it 27th- end of April.

29th –

Military Press
90 x bar without pause
BTN Press
60 x bar
105 + 5 karwoski x bar
A few bodyweight squats
4th set karwoskis x 15 + 50 wrist curls in front

The super high rep military presses aren’t the greatest range of motion, but like my pushups in the same manner the stimulus is phenomenal.

I feel the rib box growing

Jumping jacks 3x 25 4 count, a set after the first three barbell sets. The bodyweight squats and 4th set were extra credit.

Light barbell, calisthenics, and jumping jacks. I could see this bringing me to the classic 1950s svelte/sleek bodybuilder look.

I’m coming to prefer exercise in work boots.

“You’re lifting in the rain.”
“Yeah. Light barbell work and jumping jacks.”
I wouldn’t have it any other way.

All the empty bar work is showing me how to utilize planet fitness even more effectively when it’s back open.

Lifted at about 215pm, about 14 hours fasted. No nothing, water, juice, milk, food, nothing till 5pm which should be past the 16 hour mark. (I went til 6pm. Everything I consumed today was between 6pm and 640pm. )

30th –

Military Press
5, 20, 14, 10, 5 @ 135lb
50 x 135lb

Presses : first set warmup, last set cool down. Middle three sets to rep shy of failure. Rests between 1 and 2 minutes.

Shrugs thumbless, like just aboit every lift in this log in small black winter gloves.

At about 125am I allowed myself to drink water ~8-10oz as I was thirsty after horse stance before laying down for bed.

Lifted at about 245pm-3pm, ~20 hours fasted. 3 sets of 25 4 count jumping jacks to end, flew through the 3rd set.

24 hour fast from 7pm (~640pm) yesterday to 7pm today, a good deal of it nothing in the mouth, minimal water. Just the coffee, ~24-30oz water (coffee included) total. That coffee had me up til 4am in a zen like state. Upon waking at 10 something, good bloodflow, but I waited to train as I felt like I was too stimulated.

50rm feels better than heavier, it seems to be the better upper body builder.

31st –

Military Press
50x 80lb
Overhead Squats
Jumping Jacks
25, 30 4 counts
Bodyweight Squats
10 with cossack style jump on 10th rep

50 reps is the bomb, the best rep range. Keep progressing it. Like the Leistners you too can be freakishly strong with high reps. That’s the best way to be strong. You don’t need much equipment, or weight.
Go stupid high time under tension total, get there however you will.

Addendum :

Just to keep progressing infrequently (or more) keep pressing.

Push the overhead squats soon.
Add in light high rep deadlifts, and/or super slow deadlifts

Jumping jacks are the next PT challenge.

Cardio Calisthenics ™ – jumping jacks, burpees, bodyweight squats, see how strong you can get.

The pumps/activation from all the reps has been phenomenal.

There has been something of a recomp effect. I’ve been fasting often. While getting more yoked.
I actually shaved so as to see my neck and have been doing some for it again.

I know how to train people. There’s space I could do so at. Clients exist.