America’s & The World’s Best Athletes Don’t Play The Same Sports

Archives : Around Fury-Wilder II

America’s best athletes and the world’s best athletes aren’t going to be in the same sports.

Propaganda of the athletic superiority of those in professional sportsball aside, a dude who has the potential to be an nfl player isn’t going to be one unless he grew up in america.

A turk with that genetic potential is gonna be a wrestler.

The pacific islander (aside from american samoa and hawaii) is gonna end up in rugby.

The african? Sprints.

Europe? Strongman, rugby, boxing.

A Mongolian? Judo locally or if recruited sumo in Japan.

Contrary to what is thought america’s professional sports or it’s olympic teams do not mean that america has the world’s best athletes.

How is the country doing in combat sports? Contact sports played worldwide?


I laughed when I heard Tyson Fury by tko. A day or two prior a coworker was so faithful in Wilder’s superhuman athleticism. I was thinking how the fuck does this kid even know who that is, had he fought recently? You can tell how far removed from watching sports I am.

We’re all human. Training plays a huge role. Sitting on the couch spectating is the stuff of sissies.

What’s that Musashi quote?

A Man takes action. Watching baseball is for kids.

When you marry the weight room and make a mistress of the bleachers…what are you capable of?

Persistence & Tenacity