The Death Grip Handshake : A Testosterone Challenge

I seem to draw a lot of guys attempting to “testosterone challenge” me with death grip handshakes, and sometimes forcing the arm to move around while in the same.

(I figure that it’s because I’m big, strong, confident, and they feel they need to prove something.)

I have nothing to prove, so I’ll just match the strength. That’s my policy, to match. More likely than not I’ll “win”. The large majority of the time I’ll have the stronger upper body and grip.

Goofing around, a coworker and I did this, the hand shake squeeze as hard as possible, for maybe 10 seconds.

You put the focus on the pinky and ring fingers. I’d long thought this would be a good exercise, though you need someone who is not weak, but is willing.

I’d practice handshakes if I found someone willing. I’ve always hated when another catches my hand and squeezes before the hands are in proper position.

(Just like I dislike when a chick presents the “princess hand”.)

By doing that death grip shake the bottom of my forearm was decently sore. If you think about it the handshake is a very natural position. I’d like to do the exercise on the weak side particularly. Isometric for grip in a very functional way (shaking hands).

And after writing this I ended up discussing the same with my giant 6’6″ friend…who by being a 6’6″ giant death grips by default unwittingly…I let him practice squeezing my hand to get a feel for the proper level of grip that’s acceptable without being an asshole.