Give Us This Day Our Daily Meat

The best dietary thing you can do is add a little meat to your daily diet, with red meat being preferable.

Ideally we’re talking a steak or homemade hamburger every day.

I’ve seen someone claim the biblical “give us this day our daily bread” as a mistranslation, or more accurately a misunderstanding of archaic terminology with not grain being meant, but meat, flesh.

Considering the bread in communion is supposed to be the flesh of Jesus, I can see it slowly going from flesh to grain over time in accepted meaning.

It wouldn’t have been economical, logistically possible, or wanted by the ruling class for the peasantry at mass to be getting a weekly meal of meat in supplementation to their all grain and vegetable all the time diet.

Instinctively it’s known that nothing is better for the human body than the intake of some high quality fatty flesh.

Do you know anyone robust and healthy eating low fat like the food pyramid and medical establishment suggest?

Eat your meat.

The animal died for your nourishment. Everything has a purpose. To die for your nourishment is the place of the hunted, farmed, and ranched animal, the natural relationship of edible beast to man.

Look at it this way to solve the nutritional arguments :

Would you rather have the burger or the bun?

Yeah, in the morning I may choose the bun, but not always, however if we’re talking all I’m gonna get that day it’s the burger hands down eaten late in the evening or at night.

Grass fed organic red meat is the pinnacle, but if 89ยข chicken thigh or a chicken patty is what you gotta do it’s what you gotta do as low fat or low quality meat (to a degree one and the same) is better than no meat.

I’m thankful for modern agriculture allowing me the turkey, kielbasa, chicken, pork, and beef I’ve eaten in the last week. It may not be grass fed organic, but it sure was nutritious.

Persistence & Tenacity