10/18/19 : On 100 Pushups A Day For 30 Days Challenges

Not once have I ever watched any of those “I did 100 pushups a day for 30 days” type videos.

I have a different perspective.

At 14 years old I started doing pushups nightly. I’m 25. The discipline has been mostly unbroken with VERY few misses.

(For ~6 months I stopped while dead inside as a senior in high school, then starting up again soon after graduation so as to not be hypocritical when I advised a buddy to start doing them as a way to feel a sense of accomplishment and purpose in a society in which he felt dead inside.)

To pushups I’m an addict in essence. They’re OCD behavior, I have a checklist where daily I check them off, yet I often don’t trust the checklist and find myself doing them more and more.

100 a day is supposedly hard? Noteworthy? I’m not trying to come off as tough or similar here, I’m not, I’m trying to give you a better perspective…

Between 11 and midnight I did over 100 reps. In my fucking bedroom between 10 and midnight I did easily over 200 reps. This is normal to me. 30 days is noteworthy? Shit guys, it’s been probably 6 weeks of these nightly sessions…WITH the reps already checked off for the day.


Persistence & Tenacity