Assumptions : On Who Is “Natty Or Not”

Natty or Not?

When you don’t have proof of steroid usage you can always assume…

(Not not)

I’m different than most. I choose to assume “natty” whenever possible.

If I don’t have proof (generally verbal from those who are honest, it’s happened a couple times) I assume that they are 100% bonafide natural.

(Oddly this only applies to males, I’ll assume steroids for the yoked up, big armed, narrow hipped, deep voiced, and masculine faced female bodybuilder. I’d bet this is because if a female is “natty or not” in no way affects my own perception of my own physical potential. Though I’ve also assumed NATTY! for this hot jacked & stacked (technically MILF) female bodybuilder with huge biceps, but not narrow hips, nor a masculine voice or face. I took her having a few kids as proof that steroids were unlikely. Can a woman become pregnant on gear?)

You see a guy 275+lbs ripped to shit and you think what’s he on, while I’m thinking dude must’ve put in some work over the years, when will I reach that point?

Performance enhancing drug usage never enters the equation in my mind.

I’ve never seen a steroid, to get hands on them seemingly is some voodoo shit (though I have had one dealer feel me out as a prospective buyer). “If I don’t see them they can’t either”.

It comes down to that I prefer to live in a reality full of human potential. I don’t want to think that shit is only possible with some synthetic hormones, and though I have suspicions I generally haven’t been impressed by those of whom most would say “not natty” about.

Just assume natty.

It’s a far simpler, and more open to physical possibility reality to just assume natty.

It’s a mindset thing.

Dude I knew who constantly said he was natty to everyone on the gym floor, who 1-2x weekly squatted 5×10-15 with 495 at 6’3″ 235lbs. NATTY! (He opened my 19/20 year old eyes to what was possible in the weight room. Seeing him lift put certain abilities out of the internet and into the real world for me. I still remember as a goof him pulling my top set mixed grip deadlift double overhand cold that day.)

“Man, I’m telling you he’s on. You can tell because ____.” Nah, bro. NATTY!

Just assume natty, and continue your training with an expanded reality of possibility. You will go further this way.

It’s a mindset.

More possibility. More potential. Less excuses.

Persistence & Tenacity