The #1 Piece Of Advice For The Newbie Lifter

My number one piece of advice to a newbie lifter?

Alright here it goes :

I’m gonna assume that you’re kind of a nerd, getting into the most antisocial physical activity you can, and that you’re not here following your football coach’s advice, that you read up on how to train properly…for many many hours before you ever put a barbell on your neck or in your hands.

Here’s my #1 piece of advice to you…

The Number One Piece Of Advice For A Newbie Lifter :

Prove what you read wrong.

Everything you’ve read has told you the exact scientific way to do things, and now you’re stumped…

How the fuck do you find a one rep max and train based off of it!

Will those percentages actually make you stronger?

You must use a bodypart split, but bodypart splits aren’t functional!

You have to train everything once every 5 or 7, or is it 10 days?

Can you do cardio? Do you forgo cardio? Do you have to program it too!

How many meals to eat? 3 squares, 6 meals, 2 meals?

Whatever they’ve said you have to do…prove them wrong.

Train every day. You remember how sports make you do so (you played sports right?), so why would the weight room be any different?

The weight room is just another physical activity. It’s not a part of some alternate dimension where everything works differently.

Eat like you’ve stumbled upon a feast just as you were nearly starved to death. Why…Yes! I’ll have another gallon of milk and side of beef!

Prove what you’ve read wrong.
Instinct is superior to the reading, so prove what you’ve read wrong.

Do it your way, it is an individual endeavour afterall.

Decide what you’re going to prove wrong, and do so.

The best advice for a beginner to weight training is go out, and prove what you’ve read wrong.

Persistence & Tenacity