Your best and most developed bodypart is going to be the one that you trained :
1. While young.
2. With the highest reps/most total volume consistently.
My chest is far bigger than it ought to be. I never did much for it other than loads of pushups, and at least some daily. I started at 14, and I’m still doing them each and every day now about a decade later.
You want to develop a certain bodypart? It’s best to have done consistent volume for it starting a long while ago. The next best thing is to give it consistent volume starting right now.
I know I can bring anything up with a period of work capacity building effort. You could too, but it’ll take a period of doing what others say won’t work.
Dive into the deep end, and do a lot daily for what you want to build up.
There was a point where I was squatting to a daily heavy single, getting near 5×20 @ bodyweight (225) in backoffs, and volume leg pressing on a near daily basis.
Periods of what others say is madness allow for you to slack off for periods of time while retaining your capabilities relatively well.
However the difference between my chest and my legs is the consistency for the former, and the off and on periods of training the latter. Both are developed well, but chest never had time off, it’s better developed overall, and just does not tire.
The lesson is :
Work harder & Do more.
I see my physical potential now.
Persistence & Tenacity