(1/8/19 ~415pm)
While the anecdotes differ, the consensus is that Bruce Lee held a weight of 8-10lbs (usually described as a small metal ball, maybe a shot put) in a static front raise hold for a serious length of time alternating hands but without stopping the exercise.
Have you ever tried this?
Months ago, I was doing these holds as part of the shoulder feeders.
30-45 seconds per shoulder, I may have gotten up to 60 or 75 seconds once.
It’s a very Kung Fu feeling exercise. I liken it to the wall sit but for the shoulders.
To get in today’s 500 press reps, I set a timer for 8:20/500 seconds.
Alternating hands I made 5:00/300 seconds before finishing the last 3:20/200 seconds after maybe 5 minutes resting (during which I hit a minute in each hand, plus of course still hitting some pushups after, daily habit you know).
Give the front raise hold a try. As part of feeders they’ll grow your shoulders very quickly even while only using a 10lb dumbbell.
I’m tempted to get a dumbell handle so as to weigh this heavier, though adding time is currently on the table.
Then (during feeders a few months ago), and now I like the sound of a 5 minute hold without switching hands.
My training is shifting.
PostScript : September/October 2015 I was doing this, forgot about it until now.