Snap City

I had multiple drafts in the works on this subject. Being one of my recent sessions involved a goofball wanting to work in on back extensions, then instead of actually doing sets he just wanted to talk about injuries, and text in the vicinity of, and on the equipment, I’m posting this in his honor. Enter “Snap City”, and give your props to Goofball.

Mental Weakness

It amazes me how mentally weak so many are.

Why in a gym, let alone a fairly hardcore gym, are people talking about injuries?

People talking about not wanting to get injured. Not wanting to mess up their “bad back”, as if they have a back back, one look at them, and you can tell they’re just weak.

Get Your Mind Right!

Has society devolved this much? Are the only  subjects available to mention in public, how you hate work, the recent game of whatever sport is in season, played by adults other than you, or what injuries you have/imagine you have?

Isn’t a gym a place you go to get stronger? Isn’t the physical strength you gain really secondary to the mental strength you gain by pushing yourself, the confidence you gain by being stronger, knowing you’re more resilient? How do these people exist in the real world, and why do they work their way into places meant for and to hone strength?

Unless you are mentally weaker than a spoiled 3 year old girl who didn’t get her 3rd ice cream or just really plain stupid its highly unlikely you’ll ever “Snap Your Shit Up”, or visit “Snap City”.

I rescind the really stupid part. I’ve seen a kid who could maybe bench 185 attempt 315 no warmups with about 14, 14 year olds spotting/watching him. I  saved his ass by deadlift/shrugging that bar off him, the gaggle of Freshman weren’t doing it, but hey in the end he wasn’t injured. In fact he came over to me asking me to spot him for another attempt, I told him sternly another attempt it’s up to him to get out of it, not me. He smartened up, and the next day was back, but using 135-165, and not having a near death experience on the bench.

Hell I just discussed this with my gym’s owner the other day, gym injuries never really happen. I’ve never seen one, he’s never scene one, and he’d been in the game far longer than I. He said to me “If you do get injured in the gym, make sure you get it on film, so we can believe it actually happened”.


Do you actually know anyone who’s gotten injured in the weightroom?

Exactly. Nope.

Humans are far hardier than what the average fitness enthusiast would have you believe.

Every time someone mentions “Snap City” in a serious manner, and believes their own Kool-Aid, a person gets injured outside the gym in a serious manner. Like ran over by a bus serious. AND most likely has less “back problems” than your run of the mill not so serious lifter.

Have you ever met a person who actually injured thier knees from squatting?

Nope, Every person who has injured a knee had it happen outside the gym. Here’s a list of scenarios I’ve heard:

  1. Horrific football knee blowout
  2. Freak wrestling accident(on the mat, during meet)
  3. Construction site( on the job, winter time)
  4. Construction site( as kid, jumping from far higher than is reasonable)

Notice the weightroom isn’t involved here.

Staying Injury Free

Even if weightroom injuries are possible, you can get the percentage of likelihood so low, that it will never happen to you.

It basically boils down to

  1. Don’t be an idiot
  2. Don’t suck at life

Not being an idiot means taking reasonable precaution, and I’ll let you define that. What is insane for some is perfectly normal for others.

As an example, in the real world do you get warmups? Not that I’ve seen. Now don’t you think you could train yourself to be able to hit near max strength, think 90+% on whatever lift cold. My personal methodology has gotten me really good at this. Lifting cold, sometimes literally, never getting injured, and 99% of the time being able to hit very near my true maxes.

I often will hit a certain number on a lift with frequency until I know I own that weight.

Have I visited Snap City?

Hell, I’ve even once went for a no warmup total to prove it can be done to a buddy. Loaded the squat to just shy of 90%, then the bench to 95%, and the deadlift to ~97%, hit them all, then did the real session.

No visiting of “Snap City”. Honestly getting injured is more likely due to a lapse in mental strength, than physical. Your mind, both conscious and unconscious regulate your physical ability.

Make Your Reality

I often state I never get injured, and look, I never get injured. You might get injured doing what I do, because you think your reality so, just as I do.

Think you got it, and you will.

So choose not to suck at life, and choose to crush it.

I’m not in Australia, but I think Chopper’s message is very apt here:

Harden The Fuck Up!
