
“Your body will adapt to anything you throw at it, running,weights,swims, keep doing it, and your body will adapt” – Stew Smith (paraphrased as I can’t find it again for the life of me)

The above quote stayed with me over the years and very much sums up my opinion on training, and what is too much….nothing eventually.

Last night after a moderate effort shift (6hrs labor/2hrs truck time), and an afternoon front squat session, I went back to the gym a second time. I was in the area,bored, and figured back squats were the thing to do given my 3 hours of sleep the night before and the slushee + McDonald’s in my belly.

“Let’s see if I can still hit 405” the prevailing thought on my mind.

Warm up, empty bar through 405 using the 25/45 method.

I see stars on the atg 365. Switch the radio to my shit, hit the 405 half asleep and slightly higher than atg.

Finish up with some box jumps, then rowing, pressing, and twists using the landmine.

Hitting the squat under really adverse circumstances lit the fire in me for the rest of the session, but back to the point:

People don’t (generally) pick up a labor job, and start squatting daily at the same time, just like it’s “insane” to teach oneself Russian and Spanish side by side.

Honestly I’d rather overreach, stagnate,grind, and with enough time…adapt, seemingly overnight to others instead of the scientific, “proven”, slow and steady ways suggested to me.

Log books, “reasonable” courses of action, and calculators aren’t me. I haven’t had any protein powder since high school either.

Gotta do it your own way.

As I said I’d rather overreach, and then adapt.

I haven’t overtrained yet. Recovery still is coming along well enough. Strength is improving, and endurance is gaining rapidly both while dropping weight, but the biggest change is acting like less of a bitch about all things physical.

On my feet all day, squatting daily, there’s a deep set sort of soreness in my quad fibers, yet I’m still performing. Sleep doesn’t matter, nor does the diet.

Your ability is 99.9% mental. Physically you’re better off not thinking, but shutting off your brain and just doing. I see it all day long with coworkers. Humans are meant to be beasts.

Lately a perceived lack of strength has been pissing me off.

It’s squat time, then more landmine work, and feast time after.

Kill it!
