1/4 Mile of Lunges

Well I was tired and sore when I awoke today. I didn’t want to do much of anything, but as I got up, I got more and more into it, I realized TODAY is the last day of lunges, and that I had to do the 1/4 walking lunge challenge.

1/4 mile, lunge, lunges, walking,
On the 5th I said I may have to, that’s enough of a requirement for me.

It was moderately raining, I hopped in my car and drove to the high school’s track. I was getting this shit (the lunges), and the pullup test done. With this gut check workout today to cap off and officially end this month’s physical challenges.

First up was pullups. While a few days ago I was psyched to hit ten with a neutral grip at the gym, today’s testing was done outdoors in low to mid 40 degrees, and some rain. I tested overhand with a thumbless grip. I got 10 reps, and I did 2 more sets of 5 to hit the 20 for the day requirement. Not bad for 250-255lbs, I’ll keep moving this up still though.

Then the fun part. I walk over to the track, sit on a bench and set up a long playlist. Various rap to start and ending with Manowar. I figure gangster rap then Viking metal would be the best music to get this done to.

I walk to the starting line. Start the stopwatch app on my Ipod. Go.

50 yards is nothing. At 75 it starts getting harder, I shake out a leg mid step. At the end of the 100m I pause, plant the foot, and breath. Look around and wonder what the fuck am I doing. Look at the time, so far not bad, on pace to finish in roughly 15 minutes, which I felt would be a decent time. That thought could have been the jinx.

I start again, and now its a pause every couple of reps. Goddamn it! I’m only at 150m. Plant the foot, shake the opposite leg, get to 200m with this plant and shake method.

Check the time. FUCK! now barely on pace to finish sub 18 minutes (20 minutes was my take my time, bare minimum or should I say maximum allotted time.

Lunge, lunge, pause shake, start breathing a little heavier, hock a lugie into the grass. My saliva in my mouth is getting wicked phlegmy .  I’m now spitting every 2 or so plant and shake pauses.

300m corner. Dread, a longer pause.

At probably 320m a LONG pause, at this point I’m thinking about everything, when I notice a Jeep stop, a girl get out, and start walking directly towards me. Huh, do I know her? What the fuck is she walking towards the fence for? My brain isn’t comprehending anything correctly at this point sans where is the 400m mark. This was probably my longest pause, I’m standing there looking odd, my left foot planted, thinking do I walk over talk to her and fuck up my location of planted foot, is she about to say something? We both stare at the other for a while, eventually I think oh yeah lunges and continue.

340m in,  so close. No more pauses I think to myself.

I pause at 350m or 360m, and switch from rap to Manowar.

Grind that last 40-50m out. 20m out I’m thinking that I’m gonna scare the shit out of that father and 10 year old on the track by doing a LOUD Ric Flair Whoo.


Past the line, continue for a few more per leg, stop, breathe. Oh yeah the timer, fumble in my pocket. Hit pause, and think I accidentally reset it.

I must’ve been sub-20, I couldn’t have ground out the 1/4 mile/ 400m lunge challenge, and failed the time to not be embarrassing mark.

I look……

400m, 1/4 mile, 440 yard, lunge, lunges, walking, challenge, WOD
18:56.31 Sub 20 minutes!      1 LONG ASS LAP !

Semi-stumble to my car, drink some heavenly water.

Euphoric, ecstatic. I did it. April’s challenge complete, and the 2nd gut check of the week in the bag!


P.S. The chick most likely was playing Pokemon Go.  I realized this only after I had finished, and no I didn’t do the absurdly loud whoo immediately after crossing the finish line. I only did a moderate one a bit later. Sometimes the challenge makes you forget the celebration. Good times.

Oh yeah, I have no clue how many lunges it took to complete. Some may track such things, but not I. I highly suggest trying this challenge sometime. Start with 100 yards and then get crazy.