May 8, 2024 – “Pork Rinds Are Clutch On Zero Carb Keto/Carnivore” :

Defecation on keto/carnivore – they’re way smaller, really only once daily, and tend to be quite clean – this was the first morning it wasn’t a semi solid log, but, again all I’ve eaten the past few days really has been fried eggs with a little meat.

Eggs can occasionally cause the consistency, and I’m on super low calories overall.

Yesterday I ate around 2000.


•pork rinds

The crunch, the salt – it was very much enjoyed, and it got me through the third zero carb day.

10:00 walk
10:00 soccer ball

a couple 24kg flips right hand then
25X24kg right

Hilariously low on energy overall…not keto related, but the fact I’ve had under 6000 calories combined across the last three days –
I am looking forward to some carbs tomorrow, drinking milk, eating meatballs and/or onion

video editing
•pork rinds

These are so clutch on these strict days.
Keto carnivore is a strict day – zero carb.
Ballpark the same where there may be more incidental carbs from meatballs is the next step less strict.
Third level is limiting carbs adding in onion, while drinking small amounts of milk, eating cheese
The step after that is including stuff like peanuts (high in everything like milk is, and extraordinarily affordable), small amounts of grain.
The free for all is the weekend, where I get to eat whatever I choose

a little more presses (x15,x5, x5, x5 w/24kg/side) and a bit more soccer ball as steak cubes cook – soccer ball is skill practice – skill practice is best done as often as possible/every spare moment – every extra overhead pressing session means I’ll have more walk around/baked in press strength, like I am with pushups and bench press via my king term daily pushups habit

I may be training with 24kg oap right now, but over time I’ll be toying with far heavier than the 40kg bell I currently own.


1⅓lbs steak cubes, I even drank the cooled down dripping out of a soup cup.

x10, x20

It’d be quite fun to push the reps on heavy one arm clean and press stuff – man would I like a 60kg kettlebell!
Picture a one arm kettlebell properly weighted grace wod.

bic scalp, shave clean


Persistence & Tenacity