9/24/23 – “When You Train In The 5am Hour The World Is Yours”

First Session :

Aztec Pushup
attempt, close
One Arm Pushups (all on video)
8r, 5r, 2 fail 3 l
35 total pullups
x25 dips
15 total chins

In the 5 o’clock am hour you have the world to yourself.

My buddy wasn’t able to meet up this morning, but I’ve come to like 5am, 6am, 7am calisthenics (and the possibly more importantly content creation).

So I went by my lonesome.

Ran the camera four times, no warm up and shirtless in the, now cooling down, fall air πŸ™‚ just wanting to see if I could triple aztec pushups, didn’t – the foot tap was a close miss on the first and only rep, and seeing what I could rep out on one arm pushups – getting 8 right, 2 fail 3 left.

Last week’s sets of 3/side, well I knew I’d do better righty.

The path to sets 20+.reps/side.
It’s about 80lbs, eight years since I was there.

The one arm pushup, similar in strength to benching bodyweight (it was while I was 205-225) I think heavier it’s actually worth more than bodyweight.

No way I’d only hit a 8x275lbs for instance.

I’d liken it as sheer pushing strength is similar to a bw bench, the oblique demand higher in the oapu.

Second Session :

(pushups x50, x10 – daily PT done early)
Jump Rope
~700 revolutions
Front Squat + Zercher GM + Zercher Walk + Zercher Shrug
10fs+5zgm+short walk+15zshrug w/empty bar

man did my triceps feel good like they’d worked, moderate sore, but activated from the dip during the pushups – I did the pushups rather early today


I saw today’s uploaded shorts take me from 39 up to 42 subscribers.

As has been my experience with uploading shorts most of the views come in the first hour.

β€’it’d have made sense to let one video run it’s course, then released the second at a different time – maybe tomorrow afternoon

I’m still figuring out when the best time to upload is for views, mostly I just upload as soon as I’ve edited the video

The subscriber count went down from 42 back to 41. That disappointed me. With shorts thus far I’m used to some likes being removed, so check the stats twelve hours later instead of compulsively for the first ninety minutes to have an accurate assessment.

caught a screen grab of it though, thus far peak subscriber count

It’s cool that every time I upload a short I get 1-3 subscribers from it. My face hurt from smiling so much, so happy I was seeing everything come in real time.

A tad more than quarter of my total subscribers within the last four to six weeks, versus since 2017 on slow roll.

I’m into ↓↓↓ THIS ↓↓↓ right here, my brand Persistence & Tenacity, and have a few lines of training that I’m pumped to get on video in the near future.

Make this. THIS!

Persistence & Tenacity