6/22/23 – 20kg & 16kg Is 36kg :

6/22/23 (Part Two – Note To Self Part One Isn’t Online – they could be combined)
Is it optimal?
Shop scale said 290lbs this morning.

I’ve just eaten, again, almost 10pm, having naught but a larger glass of juice around lunch hour until about 330pm when I had a big meal, plus a reasonably sized glass of juice between then and now.

My day’s consumption looks like ;
•orange juice ~350cal
•corn dogs ~1200cal
•tuna salad ~500cal
•trail mix ~1800cal
•milk ~1500cal
•cranberry juice ~225cal

Ballpark 5500 calories, 6′, 290lbs.
I guess it makes sense, 5500 calories on a fairly usual day isn’t a small human.

Early afternoon we drove by every fast food restaurant – I had no food on me, just my jug of water.

I nearly asked the driver to pull over, but decided I’d rather get back, buy groceries, eat at home right before lifting.


It’s interesting to mostly be doing strength involved conditioning.

Today I mostly played, using a 95lb barbell, and all three kettlebells, going for feel, doing stuff with the implements I usually wouldn’t.

First mandatory burpees and kettlebell.
Then playing with the weights.
Finishing up with mandatory deep knee bends.

I did a standing behind the neck press variant trying to put it in the area of my lower traps.

In a two hands press I used three kettlebells (see below).

One arm barbell rows. Muscle snatch.
Supersetting power snatch with one arm kettlebell clean and press. Kettlebell curl. Barbell curl and press.
Heck I was doing the kettlebell snatches from the dead hang.

Today’s lifting was feel good play.


Okay alluded to earlier ;
Today was fun.

Nearly at the end of my lift, having already done stuff with both the 20kg and 16kg kettlebells I had an idea ; 20kg+16kg=36kg

Though it felt a tad weird, it was manageable to hold both bells in one hand.

I pressed the two together for five reps or so, then switches sides repeating.

Then the fun stuff ; really mismatched bell clean and presses.

I got my 32kg bell out too, put that in my left, the other two in my right.

Got the pair of bells in my right (the weird implements) to shoulder, but failed to shoulder the 32 in the left.

I let it back to the hang, then shouldered it, 1, 2, first then second style (as I originally had when doing 75lb db w/32kg kb a few months back) and pressed the trio/pair for four reps.

32 & 16kg tgu anyone?
That could be on the menu.

What I did today could be filmed, the clean seamed video worthy, especially when it’s done at once and not alternatively (note that mismatch pairs quickly progress to cleaning like that), and with the 75lb dumbbell in addition there’s a bunch of room for sig klein ish mismatch lifting.


No one says your gym implements must perfectly match.

You can get weird with it, let them be mismatched.

You’ll be stronger for it.

Persistence & Tenacity