9/25/23 – Multiple Daily Minisessions For A Positive Outlook On Life :

No matter what it is, no matter where you are, you can take positive action.

Movement always makes you feel better.
Get up. Do something. You are always capable.


You already had one minisession.
Well dude, I needed another.

I did a second one.

The second one upper body focused to the lower body focus of the first.

But that’s inconsequential.
The benefit more mental than physical.


When you’ve an open mind, when you need to make something happen you find a way.

With little to no equipment you can get muscular and strong.

It’s in the need and the open mind, in the openness to universal abundance – when you’re set…

It’s gonna happen.


See, you can find a spot, you can improvise this, improvise that.

I couldn’t find a nice level spot to do one arm pushups…

Then I looked at the driveway.
The incline/decline – I put my feet higher than my head, now it’s a bit harder than the same on level ground.

Cool. Getting stronger here, where it’s harder – I’ll be stronger when I go to the tennis courts, the designated content creation (video) spot.

And it won’t be long to get 20+/side.
Maybe that’s my viral video.


Getting dizzy from the x5/side on these one arm pushups, okay – not continuing with that high a tension exercise, back off a bit…

When did I last do a clap pushup?

Okay, 3×3 with good long pauses on the bottom.


The one arm pushup is “heavyish”
The clapping pushups are powerful.

I didn’t do any tonight, but the burpee, getting down, is absorbing force in the negative of the pushup cause you’re basically dropping/jumping down into on your face on the floor.

It’s building you through absorption of force.

I too have that side project of handstands, aiming to get a freestanding hspu.

Put all this together, whether I touch a barbell through the journey or not…

When I go back to the gym, is there any doubt I’ll have went from a mid 3s bench to a 405+ bench.

You can get real strong with a calisthenics habit.

Do your pushups.
Do your pullups (or your regression – australian pullups?
Do your squats or lunges or cossack dance.

You don’t need weights.
You can use weights.

I highly suggest you use both.

They do feed into each other.


Pushups note – resistance bands do work for self adding weight to pushups when you’ve no one with you to stand on your back.

And the acceleration makes that a power builder firstly – a cool side effect.

Maybe I’m buying the whole set of bands.
I own an orange. In the past I’ve got a handful of reps with the thickest grey band.

The training effect lays in the moderate strength of band, it was for me then in the blue and better yet, the purple band.

The medium sizes.
There’s a lot of training effect advised in this section.


Funny how life throws both at you.
The good and the bad.

The positive and the negative.

It’s your choice where your focus lays.

So the good, focus here ;

A subscriber in germany made another shout out video.

Thank you!

My one arm pushup videos yesterday gained another two subscribers, a bunch of likes, a couple comments.

(yeah it was up three subscribers at one point, then someone unsubscribed, but hey it ended the weekend up)

Every short uploaded gives more subscribers!

This past month, month and a half – about 12 subscribers, and it was seven years to sub 30.

Now I’ve broke 40.

A month, month and a half back, I thought to myself “I can grow this to 50 subscribers in the next month or two”.

And that’s happening.

The unknown is “how does this become my living” (P&T both here and on the youtube)

I’ve been out of high school over a decade, letting the waves of life crash me onto and hold me onto an undesirable dirty shore of broken glass, needles, litter…

It’s time to make it.
Make my life that sunny shore, to make my day to day, whether metaphorical or literal, my happy spot on the pacific.

Persistence & Tenacity

wes watson – staying positive in the shu
on repeat as I typed

apparently I commented on it back in 2020