8/11/20 Flow : On Gym Motivation

Training ; it’s something I just do.

People talk to me of motivation, their lacking it, the motivation being missing.

Applied to the gym, at the stage I’m at, it’s inapplicable.

Motivation is gone, but it’s not missing. It’s a factor that doesn’t exist.

Motivated? Demotivated?
Neither exists to me.

PT frame of mind. I’m going to exercise regardless.

Give me a great gym, a good atmosphere, all the equipment.

Give me a shitty selection of equipment, half the stuff broken.

Give me a mamby pamby neutered atmosphere.

Make me the smallest on the gym floor, or the biggest.

Give me zero equipment.
Give me a crowd.
Give me solitude.

Variables? Vary them.

None of it affects me. Equipment? I don’t even blink. A total nonissue.

I’ll use what’s available.
PT – I’m training regardless.

I’m ocd with, and addicted to pushups. I did some in the parking lot at a quarter til midnight the other night.

All the variables aside, yesterday, today, tommorow, and the tomorrows after that…

PT – Pushups, I’m training regardless.

Want to? Don’t want to?
Pushups are getting done.

What the hell is motivation?
Applied to the gym?

The gym is a mix of play and routine, found in the very moment.

I actively pursue taking the brain out of it.

Don’t want to train? Want to train?
Yes/no, train anyway.

Thoughtless instinct, daily habit.

Persistence & Tenacity