7/5/21 – 25 Chin Ups :

7/5/21 ~4pm
I walk up to the bar disinterested, coax myself into “one set of 10”, and immediately heckle myself “do 12, it’s the only set today”, decide to do 12, hop up, and it feels easy, so easy, like a new PR light.

Easily I’m at 15.

“What’s PR? 22? 23?” I think about 17 reps in – I keep going, only slightly feeling it once at 20.

I continue, and drop from the bar having hit 25, a new PR.

At 14 years old I hit my first chin up, today I hit 25, probably weighing about 240.

Please train daily.

You get a lot to show for it.


P.S. Chins are getting to comical in ability, 25 weighing 240? What 50+ when I’m at 215? The ability to do reps is getting to how pushups have been for me for years. They’re easy now.

To end the session about 85 minutes later – another set of 20.
It’s cool hitting multiple 20s on the same day.

Of note I used the massage chair the night before. A performance gain by being more loose?

I notice that feeling/being loose in the mid back that my lats look bigger.

“Excuse me.”
“What’s up?”
“Your cut is gonna look insane, you’ll have the body of a greek god in no time, soon.”

I said “thanks”, impressed that a tiny seemingly shy college kid (5’2″ fit asian) had had the guts to say something to me.

The compliment added onto a great day.

I’ve written before how a more physical job makes you more physical outside of work, and thought two years back to a short shift, followed by a day off where I hiked, went to the lake, and went to the gym four times in a 36 hour time span of my buddy and I hanging out with our time off from the moving company.

I’ve been being a bitch about the requirements of this job. So I changed the outlook. I’m cutting without trying cause of it, and I go to the gym daily because I love doing so.

Do more on my days off.

That applies to everything, not just physicality.