7/28/21 & 7/29/21 – More Chin Up PRs :

7/28/21 :

Weighted Chins At 945pm:
7 x bw+60
2×10 @ bw+30

Chins At 11pm :
26 chins

In Between :

400 pushups, and a set of 15 on the machine curl at 155lbs.

Chins improve hugely by doing them weighted regularly.

After the 26 rep PR I continued with pushups passing 650 total on the day (yesterday was 700+), and doing probably eight sets of face pulls.

Solid session, a little over two hours total, lots of volume.

I thrive on volume. It worked for all the 70s bodybuilders, and it works for me.

Do massive volume and you’ll be muscular with the fat burnt off.

I consciously am focused on bringing up my back.

7/29/21 :

Weighted Chins :
2×15 @ bw+30
w/5:00 rest

I walked into the gym with the idea to hit 12+ at bw+30, to beat the 10 reps from yesterday, did it, then matched it after a roughly 5:00 rest with the kettlebell hooked to the opposite foot on the second set.

Treating weighted chins as if they’re bodyweight, and doing them high frequency is a physical cheat code for awesomeness.

The rest of the session was :
•smith machine hip thrusts
5x5p all done very explosively
•the majority of the ~150 total pushups,
•5×10 one arm seated row light •2×25 one arm hammer strength lat pulldown machine light
both done each side
•1×20 or 25 seated leg curl
•1×15 leg extension
both leg machines focusing on a good contraction, and feeling the muscle
•a small amount of the ~150 total pushups

I find the pump work effectively speeds recovery from heavy work, that why the extra back work, particularly the hammer strength lat pulldown machine – I love that machine for high reps, especially how it consolidates heavier back work into higher ability and more gains.

This was actually a light day in my eyes done about seven hours after a massive late lunch (about 230pm) of an entire large pizza with mexican soda on the side, dinner of a quart of coffee milk, and following a two hour muscle nap.

Post workout I ate again too, pasta and burger, drank milk and some more mexican soda – a high calorie day.

The last few days I’ve been catching up on sleep, and eating a good deal.

It’s funny all the chin PRs coming within a few days of rest, not that I take a day away from the gym lol