5/4/21 Flow – Gym Thoughts :

I laugh to myself while thinking “I don’t train legs”, and yet my quads feel sore as I shower up, nicely enough the part of the muscle around the kneecap – this part of the muscle generally well developed on hockey players, not gym goers.

I had done a set of standing db press, 15 reps with the pair of 70s.

At the end of the set my torso shook, and obviously my vmo was well activated.

Most of the time I press in soft soled shoes, the difference between doing so between them and a hard soled shoe is staggering.

Doing things “wrong” means you become brute strong.

I essentially just hammer curl every bell to my shoulders. The contrast between myself and whoever is next to me can be quite striking sometimes.

I’d like to play with a pair of 100lb dbs.

The Sig Klein challenge?
I’m capable at this point.
I’ll do it at some point.

I prefer to get the pressing and cardio higher, instead of 12 reps, since I’m far larger than Sig…I want the 75s x 25 reps c&p.

I’d mentally always compared pressing a pair of 75s to pressing 185 on a barbell.

185 while not anything crazy, is respectable especially being pressed or cleaned for very high reps.

Go to planet fitness long enough and you’ll become a girevoy.


While regularly doing pullups is in part why I’m now capable of 20+ pullups, I think a larger part at the moment is all the seated row that I do.

Machine curl has filled this role in the past, regular pullups have, and so have back isometrics – however lifetime pullup PRs have come this last month having done pullups and lots of seated row.

Back isometrics while weighing probably 60-75lbs lighter brought me to 17-19 pullups as a PR set at 21 years old.

Now, seated row brought me to 20+, a set of 20 having been done on a few occasions in the past week, and 15s being “baked in” at this point.

I’ll hit a couple sets of 15 fatigued now.

10×10 pullups with 1:00 rest periods was a lifetime goal.

It’s practically a formality at this point.

Seated row. Do them.

Pullups can be built with training the muscles not the movement.

However both feed off of each other.

My pf program has become mostly seated row, pullups, and see saw press with a little bit of dips and machine curls.

It’s working well.

I’m tempted to either “seated row odyssey”, “dip odyssey” again, or combine the two.

Mentally I’m getting more and more into bodybuilding…but bodybuilding my way.

Develop a lean strongman build by a focus on performance, not stereotypical bodybuilding behavior.

Grape juice tastes damn good.
Something in it I crave constantly.

I can’t eat enough lately.
I’m wicked strong.

The two correlate.

It’s crazy to think what would happen should I get barbell gym or squat rack access.

Partial front squats while in this state?

I know I could be 300lbs with some abs. Not think. Know.

I could get the same stimulus pushing my cousin’s truck.

Of course “I’m at pf – I don’t train legs”. Not that I truly don’t get any leg stimulus, nor that it would matter regardless.

It’s high testosterone to just do.
Do not think. Do.

That’s how I train.

None of the details matter.
Do not think. Do.

10×10 today?
Easy sets of 7 or 8?
Actually doing a set of 50-100?
AMRAPing back offs?
Challenging or going through the motions?

None of the details matter.
Do not think. Do.

(It’s noteworthy that seated rows are what I visualize as I mention most rep ranges – I did three back off sets, 35 amrap, 25 nearly so, and 20… getting closer and closer to the stack when I do this sort of thing, today using 180lbs of the available 260. I’ll get stack for 35+, sets of 35 more fun to me/mentally easier than sets of 50 to me at present, and will in the near future start regularly seated rowing one handed.

Picture 260, the stack, rowed for reps one handed!

One doing that is STRONG!)

Upper body bro am I?
None of the details matter.
Do not think. Do.

Train legs do I?
None of the details matter.
Do not think. Do.

Pushups done nightly.
Maybe eat another dinner.

I love the gym, my only complaint is I’d prefer it be done outdoors – in the fresh air, away from fluorescent lights.

I’d like access to a pair of 100lb dumbbells.

I could clean and press them today.
An overweight Sig Klein challenge will be cool.