At planet fitness – seated row, and dumbbell press – your upper body will grow.
Seated row – bunches of sets.
See-saw press – reps per set til the cows come home.
I’m good for a set of 50 dips, and a set of 10 pullups every day.
I’ve been stopping at 30 dips out of boredom.
How I used to say “I don’t have to pay attention to pullups if I can do 5+”, that’s now been amended to 7 or 8+.
(pullups in any variant, at present it’s only pullups, I haven’t done a chin in months, but at least one set of pullups every day)
The statement now being “I don’t have to pay attention to pullups if I can do 7-8+”…
That’s a level up.
Leveling up is the proper mode of living.
Not watching tv?
That’s a level up.
Playing music? Learning languages? Writing? Lifting?
Level ups.
With all the upper body work, the legs come along for the ride.
Chicken legs don’t exist, even when you’re proportionately heavier in upper body development as is natural for man.
Medium sized legs
Big upper body
I’m more into bodybuilding now, though not following any kind of split.
Lots of upper body days, some full body days.
I’m doing well with lots of moderately weighted volume, and feeling the muscles work.
Can’t eat enough at present.
Psychologically I never take a day off from the gym.
Every day that I would take off, I end up training with someone. Being game equals more volume.
It’s been a month with lots of pullups, seated rows, and leg extensions.
I see an increase forearm size.
My hands feel stronger.
I’m getting into the seated row.
More and more.
I’m sleeping well.
I dream of a physical culture lifestyle.