1/21/23 Journaling – Hitting Trees With Rubber Patio Tiles :

had dreamt of ultra marathons of all things – running hard miles and many kettlebell swings


fell back asleep then dreaming of a trip to a hellish grocery store – the highlight of which was 47¢ single serve truly high quality whey protein, with a silly brand name, and rich piana’s zombie as infomercial guy for the company

woke up hungry both times – that’s a good thing


quick wake up/feel good shower – every shower this year I’ve ended with the water as cold as it can come out


•chicken quesadillas
•big bowl of cereal

it strikes me as a funny imagining one trying to count macros and calories on mexican food – good luck, would make a funny comedy skit measuring out everything precisely

“this much cheese, this much chicken, two tortillas, exactly ___g fat, protein, carbs – oh wait, how much was dark meat, how much white meat”


I’m looking forward to experiencing that kettlebell, yet I’ll still have no heavier than 32kg/70lb kettlebell reference point.

Thinking about heavy bell work, somewhere out there someone must’ve cleaned the 203lb monster kettlebell.

That’d be a wicked off center front squat, and strikes me as doable, not much different than squatting with a person over one shoulder, which strikes me as the most useful squat.

That is something firemen, military, and wrestlers can use in real life.


“went to the gym”, didn’t lift yet, just clean up

ice chipper across the particle board and patio tiles, then salt on the particle board, wait a little then scrape it all off – particle board clear âś“ – footing is good

patio tiles though…the ice had formed overnight around the dimensions of a 45lb plate touching, odd I thought as I didn’t leave the bar there – just lifted it as the snow formed around it last night – that snow turned to ice in that shape

I didn’t throw down salt onto the tiles, but used the ice chipper to wedge them out of the ground already having chipped across them to little effect…to the tree, and “chopped wood” hitting the rubber patio tiles against the tree, then left the mostly clean tiles in the sun

that’s a new stimulus – while I no longer have a tractor tire to hit with a sledgehammer, I’ve got rubber patio tiles I can hit against the tree

rotational power/strength WHACK

they’re about $7 each at the hardware store, it may look funny, but with it you’ve got non tree chopping tree chopping…sustainable

while the environmentalists love it, the tree is thinking “what did I ever do to you”, but kept it’s big mouth shut

it kept it’s big mouth shut…lest I have it pick me up so as to easily set up a rope climbing station


Lift :

Fat Grips Deadlifts
33x135lbs in 2:00
rest 3:00
31x135lbs in 2:00

as I type everyday, what a great glute and lat pump – I get so much from this style of training with this movement – this pump, the glutes locking every step, my back feeling solid, has me feeling on top of the world

knowing how I responded to light smith machine deadlifts it’ll be interesting to see long term how much top end strength this builds – I know of a 600lb deadlift by a bodybuilder or two from pump work

just keep progressing in weight while remaining high volume with the pump

the press is catching up to PRs despite adding in more and more volume before the pressing

I need to get to 300+ lbs being as easy to heave to the shoulders as the mid 100s.


•six eggs
•1c oats

oats in bowl, stir in all the spices, crack the eggs in, stir together, fry – been making eggs & oats like this for years, probably over a decade

it comes out some consistency of bread, but nicely spiced, and more nutritious

I expect I’ll do a third meal, the first over most likely – been rather hungry most of the day today, no real desire for junk food, the only thing I really want being a sub of some sort, maybe meatball, maybe steak.


•mexican food, beef dish

an unexpected invitation from my parents to go out to eat with them

was invited to, and watched a movie with my father right after

•dessert w/milk (during movie)

two hours long (the original pink panther) the first thing I’ve watched in almost a month since porn


Thoughts On Watching Shit :

My feelings are mixed about having watched a movie.

I think what instead could’ve been done with those two hours, as before/during/immediately after I was thinking “do I have to shave for this” coming to the conclusion “no, it’s not porn – but don’t make habit of television either”

Kinda have to laugh about that, considering I’m not going through that train of thought related to all the image searches for pictures to use with posts here.

I had little interest in the movie as it played.
When I got up to get dessert I didn’t have my dad pause the film, I just missed ninety seconds or whatever.

I’ve went years with zero watching anything, 2023 isn’t zero now, but the precedence of not shaving for one thing was set in 2018 during a small family gathering for a red sox game – where I totally saw how most people end up becoming sports addicts, as well as lots of donald duck cartoons as stress release while taking care 8f grandma that fall, then in both 2019 and 2020 where I watched some stuff, mostly movies, occasionally an old tv show, and probably youtube.

I don’t recall watching anything in 2021.
Didn’t in fact.

2022? Well I watched porn a bit most months, television/movies for like the first half the year – and I recall really feeling like I’d accomplished nothing after a couple hours on youtube watching strongman stuff, I had a phase near the end of last year of watching crossfit and strongman stuff.

as pluses of watching pink panther ; it provided a real good bust a gut laugh during the chase scene near the end, and saw me spending some time with my dad

though I’ve long had a hard time considering watching television as time spent together

In life it’s best to minimize what you watch, and maximize what you do.

Action over spectation.


real gassy, probably the oats – 1c was probably too much, it would’ve been better on the gastrointestinal system to have stopped at ½c

nothing can wreck the stomach like oats, though usually raw doesn’t affect me like that

generally raw mixed into eggs then fried sits fine

oats were where I learned the lesson to trust yourself, trust your gut quite literally, and not follow normal advice for my health – oats are not light on my stomach as so many say they are


Persistence & Tenacity

1/20/23 Journaling –

started the day shoveling snow

in a hoodie and track pants though


Having bought groceries already I’ve got plenty of meat on hand – ground beef, steak, rotisserie chicken…

I completely forgot all desserts I’d possibly want – having neither frosted animal cookies nor donuts on hand.

We’re all little sugar addicts, and somehow can’t just eat the ground beef alone…

Was the ramen with it an act of weakness?

And while I was thankful for and enjoyed the pizza at work on tuesday – there’s for the most part been zero draw to having any at home.

That’s with the knowledge that the best bulking food is a good meat lover’s pizza.

While I’ll have to shovel again today, I’m feeling a bunch of workout volume, probably throw the forearm forklift around a tree for a bunch of, I’m feeling trx style, rows.

A bunch of little shoveling and workout mini sessions and a bunch of feedings strikes me as an enjoyable day.


My kettlebell is shipping.

With how I intend to use it I’m feeling a bit antsy, hoping it’ll show on the short end of the expected delivery time frame.


Even though I’m far less slave/addict to my cellphone than most, I’ve noticed while reading the bible that my attention span is far shorter than it’d been when I was a student in the formal education setting.

I read for hours growing up.

And does a few minutes of duolingo really count?

It’s worth doing educational things for lengths of time.

The funny thing about the above is I can sit quietly and almost motionless for hours – it ain’t a thing to me.

Relatedly; the crew I’ve been with most shifts drives in a hilariously quiet cab – to the point when I’m with the other crew they’re going “J, you’re awfully quiet”.

While the driver will turn on the radio, it’s almost naught a word spoken between we three during truck time.


•ground beef w/ramen mix (from last night)
•chicken quesadillas
•banana bread
•four hershey chocolates


heard a goose honking, couldn’t see it – laughed to myself thinking “it’s flabbergasted, thinking – didn’t go far enough south for the winter after all”

threw a few snowballs at a tree – that’s play, something we did as kids, not enough of as adults

“went to the gym” ie shoveled out where I lift

waited awhile, then…

Lift :

Strap Isometrics + A Couple “Ring” Pullups :

a little bit of isometrics before and after lifting, and discovering that I can do ring pullups with the straps – could gtg that easily enough, step outside, throw strap over branch, low reps…eventually REALLY strong

Fat Grips Deadlift :

41x135lbs in 2:30
31x135lbs in 2:30

probably 3:00 between density periods/sets

it’s obvious that I have lats and glutes from this – great pumps – I respond real well to this type of stimulus

progression standard is roughly 50 reps in 2:00, then bump 20-30lbs bar weight – I figure 50×205 in 2:00 is plenty of real world ability, not that I intend to stop there

i’m really digging the light thick handles deadlifts

this the first time I didn’t press in awhile – wasn’t looking to shoulder the bar in sketchy winter footing, main reason I didn’t do isabel a little harder today

the footing will be good enough soon


“If I ever go back to a gym.”

Do I have a heavy lifting and strongman itch?

I’d still like to bench 405+, 455lbs sounds nice frankly.

And the labor job really has me caring about real world strength with odd objects and having a high level of work capacity and conditioning.

More and more it seems I have to open my own gym…

Enough power cages, platforms, all the strongman equipment, and plenty of wrestling mat square footage.

I’d like to bring in some high level grappling instruction, and run the lifting side myself.

You could train people out of the local powerlifting gym or move and train people out of anywhere – parks can even work.


followed along to this

felt complimentary to all the time outside in the snow today

i’m looking forward to turkish get ups with that kettlebell laying in the snow


scourby kjv in headphones for about forty five minutes


How exactly am I going to use that kettlebell once it arrives?

•lots of swings – since new to having access

•lots of front squats – as I see value in adding lots of squatting to what I currently do, and for whatever reason loaded squats feel better to me than bw squats –

Video :
•flip & catch
•bottoms up press weak side
•bottoms up turkish get up, eventually laying and standing

It’d be interesting if for a month or so I was to for all my lifting just use my mismatched pair of bells, 75lb db & 32kg kb for swings, front squats, see saw presses, etc.


I’ve had a 20lb kettlebell since early in high school, something my mom got me since “I was getting into getting into shape” – Mom, this long ago gift with the other bell…

I’ve a wonderful awful idea ;

To blend mythical strength’s take on dan john’s “tabata front squats”, a 20lber and 70lber making for ~95lb barbell, and quite possibly doing two sets this a day.

It’s only 4:00 or 8:00 minutes, and the set up is silly quick.

I bought the 32kg kettlebell (I keep wanting to write 70lb lol) for work capacity and conditioning – it’d be cool to just devote a brief period to that.

And for the silly quick set up.

I can use a bell in situations the barbell isn’t happening.

Barbell lifting can come back later.
I expect the kb work will mentally get me more into barbell work again.

I’ve been mostly ignoring squats for 15+ months now. A bunch of one or mismathed kettlebell front squats, and I expect come warmer weather I’ll be more into high rep back squats again.

There is a way I can make my living from all this. I love lifting. I can teach it.


Gym culture, all the certifications, etc it often strikes me as a bunch of people who’ve never done manual labor.

The labor world is “get it done”, the gym world too often is “perfection or nothing…so nothing”.

I don’t much want to be physical indoors.

I actually like carrying boxes, delivering houses, it’s as a laborer not enough money.

Even in my 20s, my blending of the labor, gym, and lifting worlds has shown me the value of brute force (labor & lifting), getting the job done (labor), and from the gym world actually doing stuff for your health like getting a good pump, training the whole body – I’ve learned from both, getting to blend both.

Getting A Good Pump Is Healthy :

With my proportions my lower back gets tight, sore fairly quickly.

At 6′ my limbs are the length of some 5’8″ guy at best, pretty short legs, and REALLY SHORT arms, my wingspan is only kinda short as my broad shoulders make up for the super short arms.

Muscular glute size, more ass as it were, takes stress off the lower back – the best thing I can do for physical longevity as a mover is get good glute pumps on a regular basis.

I’ve got a small, dense, powerful ass – the best hypertrophy stimulus for me is metabolic stress, I need to do a bunch of reps and cause my glutes to lock up – that’s how they grow, that’s how they function in place of my lower back.


•chicken quesadillas
•three hershey chocolates
•bowl of cereal

the rotisserie chicken came in clutch today, that with mexican mix cheese, and these “spicy” (mild/moderate really) tortillas from trader joe’s for the bulk of my food


I realize how much more energy I have delivering houses than I had working as a line cook.

How many days a week did I lift while cooking?
While immediately as a mover I’m racking up the mini sessions, constantly wanting to get more work capacity, move faster, etc.

I’m still butting heads with “nothing to do – nowhere to go” (slow boil debating moving away from new england cause of this – to start new in a new region), just doing loads of mini sessions at home, and slightly cleaning up how I eat.

It’s harder on the body to stand in your little ft² of commercial kitchen hell – stewing in your own juices in perpetual 95° next to the oven, than it is to have the (yes seriously) joy of carrying stuff in and out in and out of the truck/house.

The worst part of delivering houses recently was the 5½ hours total of truck time the other day – it’s tedious to sit there that long in a smoking area when you don’t smoke.

a little more tolerable this way

I count this as a blessing ; as a mover I do not have massive thigh, and even worse, right armpit chafe.

That was terrible.

I’ve had small amounts of thigh chafe as a mover in the summer, but the sweat/heat factor is easy on the body in the winter.

The cold does not bother me.

They’re looking at me as if I’m nuts for working in shorts and a long sleeve shirt, skull cap as needed, in this rather warm 30 something ° winter.


Today was again strict lower rep pushups.
This is what I’m looking right now – the stimulus feels particularly good, and is something I intend to mix with my kettlebell when it arrives.


Persistence & Tenacity

1/19/23 Journaling –

•cheese stick (before work)

I definitely don’t want to be fully fasted with this job right now – energy is way better with little bits of stuff


Before Work Pushups :

real minimal, I’m talking 2×5 minimal – last night I felt “I don’t have to do pushups every day”, still did them, and this morning I was thinking about how it’d be fine to just do strict high activation reps in low volume – to change it up


Work :

pretty easy, mostly stuff to the first floor, it cracks me up how much cab griping there is when the customer is like “actually can you move that to the other bedroom”, and ESPECIALLY when they want us to unpack

guys, they’re paying for a service, we’re getting paid to do it – our job, and while unpacking is tedious – it’s easy money, you’re literally just unpacking

and when we take all the empty boxes and trash tape and brown wrap – it ends up adding a bunch of shop time clearing out the trucks and actually getting the stuff into the dumpster

my mentality is different than that of these dudes – many don’t want to be there, at present, while I know this isn’t a lifetime job, I’m happy to be working

I noticed my energy was really good today –
the fish sticks dinner may be worth having as a regular one


•16oz coffee milk

kinda a preworkout, kinda – the time frame was a bit off


•fish sticks (¼ box) w/4 slices american cheese
•½ salami sandwich
•16oz milk
•16oz cranberry juice

At the end of each work week I end up eating the leftover work food – it doesn’t really get eaten most shifts.


Lift :

Power Snatch
3×1 w/165lbs
Sn OH Walk
155lbs for 60yd (3x20yd stretch w/turns)
155lbs for 50yd (2½x20yd stretch w/turns)
155lbs for 50yd (2½x20yd stretch w/turns)
Fat Grips Deadlift
33×135 in 2:00

the oh walk is a NICE touch, you really have to have a stable upper body and sure footedness

all the snatch work, particularly the time under tension of the walks prefatigues the rest of the movements

a neighborhood dog got AMPED as he and his owner walked by me walking with the bar overhead – he always reacts to me lifting this way


& relatedly – I’m excitedly waiting to get the “your order has shipped” email telling me my kettlebell is on the way

I can already hit bottoms up presses with my strong side with that weight, how to do it weak side?

I figure get it to position with one hand, then use the free hand as a method of self spotting – trying to stabilize the bell in position for as long as possible, catching it with the free hand as necessary, and once you can clean it, stabilize it, then start pressing it.

It’s gonna be cool to be able to bottoms up pressa 32kg kettlebell with either hand.


Video Idea :

“The Gorilla Minute” – :60 of gorilla cleans with my 75lb dumbbell and 32kg kettlebell

also see-saw pressing with both

it’s entirely okay that it’s an uneven weight and different implements

and I’m pretty sure I can turkish get up either – these implements travel, and open up some video opportunities

also – neck harness – get to where the kb is training weight


Some of the stuff in labor jobs, the way you manhandle it, it’s never going to be replicated in the gym.

Moving crates around inside a box or trailer is one thing – getting empty crates by hand from box to trailer is a whole different crew sized ball game.

Then you push (occasionally pull) those crates in every manner.

You’d have to drag sleds at weird angles and do isometrics against immovable objects at the same in many variants.


I just had a kid, white, probably 16 while walking by me still being outside after lifting say something to me, I replied “hell yeah man” then his buddy, same description, said something like “this fool/foo blah blah blah”, half turned, and seemingly flashed gang signs.

Did I just get banged on here in new england?

By a white high schooler?

In a 97% white, borderline redneck area?

Couldn’t tell for sure if they were drunk/high, they seemed tipsy, while either way they were teenagers acting dumb feeding off each other’s energy.

Funny to hear mexican gang banger come out of them. Where in pop culture did they pick that up?

At least with myself I can claim “half my childhood was in SoCal”.


Dinner/PostWorkout Meal
•1¼lbs ground beef
•two packs ramen
•grits – enough to soak up extra water
•american cheese – four slices per big bowl
•12oz root beer
•12oz milk

For whatever reason I was viewing it as a challenge to eat the whole thing.

I realized the absurdity of force feeding right now, stopping after having my fill at almost two big bowls, having eaten about 75% of the mixture which only did not have vegetables because I didn’t want to use the bag of mixed veggies containing both corn (basically pure sugar to me) and green beans (not the consistency I wanted).

By figuring out how to rice broccoli, cauliflower, and mushrooms I could make this far healthier – the aforementioned vegetables instead of the ramen.

I don’t really give a damn about any dietary details right now other than “is my job performance adequate”, and “is my work capacity improving”.

Lifting and moving are feeding into each other nicely at present.

My abilities are improving.


•24oz orange juice con pulpo


35 pushups TOTAL on the day, all strict, 2×5 in the am, 2×5 maybe ten minutes before showering, a set of 15 immediately before showering


Persistence & Tenacity

1/18/23 Journaling –

Wow, those dreams were on topics existential!

Largely the analysation of my ego and it’s relation to lifting weights – day to day physical energy, job performance, my appearance in the mirror.


Headstand :

I don’t know how long it’d been since I’ve done one – in the past they gave me very useful neck strength, and too have taken away soreness.

The movement is as well something of a prep for handstands and overhead lifting…

I feel far less stiff from that one hold.


•8oz cranberry juice


Either isabel a bit faster, overhead walks, or
the audible of 50/20 (or another density protocol) fat grips deadlifts

We’ll see in a moment. It depends on the footing.


1st Lift :

Isabel WOD
singles – e:14o:14 – just under 7:00

I wasn’t ready for this, I was digging to complete this – I did squat down twice, bent hands on knees two or three times as well, I don’t like doing these.

Stand tall during your workouts.

she’s far more impressed when you stand tall

My turnover “barbell cycling” needs work for speed, whereas what was killing me was all the time under tension – I hold the barbell for probably :10 each interval, singles for 30 reps, not reps ever this way – again not fast this way.

However this gets me huffing and puffing, as time goes I’ll jog up more intervals between reps, EVENTUALLY picking up real speed.

The volume is enough for lactic acid in my legs, maybe some in my traps – the pick up pace forces you to finish reps pulled slightly out of ideal path.

I like this. It’s going to force me to dig each session.

Feels kinda like a wrestling match against a barbell.

Ground to overhead for reps & time/density is a way to stand stationary and alone, and yet transform.

Lifted To :

rock yo hips – crime mob

knowing the song was near the end helped me know that I was past half, then near the end of the 30 reps


2nd Lift :

(an hour later)

Fat Grips Deadlift
39x155lbs in 2:30

great glute pumps with light density deadlifts

right now I’m enjoying the brief density fat grip deadlifts – it unlike isabel isn’t a thing – I do it without any mental stress, and note ; there was resting in that 2:30, easily enough to have broken 50 reps without walking over to my phone and checking the remaining time

I prefer the thicker grip, to the point I debate the purchase of fat grips extreme for hands or an axle for full body – you can’t do to shoulder movements with the fat grips…good luck lowering without crashing the bar down – axle for that, fat grips for deadlifts without an axle available

the clean was moderately ugly, some version of 5/3/1 for c&p is an idea

all the work before the press kinda limits it, but that’s okay


I realize that moreso than anything I need conditioning and cardio.

I have plenty of size, and top end strength actually needs cardio and conditioning to get there.


•12 mini donuts
•milk (out the jug)


got SOAKED helping throw out a waterlogged mattress


Actually got groceries again – a rotisserie chicken, and the cranberry juice I’d forgotten earlier in the day.

BOMBED the cart as a scooter back to the cart corall.


$8 gets you fish sticks and a gallon of milk, just shy of 200g protein, and 4000 calories.

It’s not so hard to eat for $50/week.


Rotisserie chicken is still $5 for a bird, pretty affordable.


I’m plenty strong, what I need is conditioning.

While lifting lately is mostly the isabel wod or density fat grips deadlifts, the press my only lower rep movement – lifting being aimed towards conditioning…

I shouldn’t be skipping any opportunities to walk/run bleachers.

I should be doing some form of running, probably walk/run play (fartlek) down and back in a field or cemetery as a regular thing.

There is not reason I couldn’t run a 21:00 5k (well three mile), a ≤6:00 mile, and 20+ pullups THIS YEAR.


A concept2 rower is $1045, and I think I’m willing to pay for that, actually moreso than $60ish a month to essentially rent access to it and powerlifting equipment.

It’d be cool to earn my conditioning toy via labor as well – figure out how I could chop wood for money.


•fish sticks (¾ box)
•breakfast toaster strudel
•chocolate covered pb pretzels

easily 4500 calories on the day, and that with a bunch of hiccups on the whens of when I’d eat

frankly I’d intended to eat more today, and something I knew already, and experienced again today with isabel – right now I run better with more energy in, more energy out – and want that anaerobic stimulus regularly – high g flux – it’s better that way


Stopped being wishy washy.

I’d been thinking for a while now that purchasing a kettlebell and some form of a step would allow for more frequency, more work capacity, and with my mover’s sea legs.

I ordered a 32kg kettlebell.
Didn’t want to wait any longer for heavier to come back in stock.

Why kg vs lb?

Availability. I don’t give a damn about 32kg vs 70lb – it’s a fraction of a lb difference, and pennies a difference in cost.

Funny, even when it arrives I’ll still have never had access to heavier than this bell.

This purchase is a test, an experiment, a dry run…

We’ll see if I need a heavier bell after racking up thousands of swings with this.

Get my money’s worth of this one first.

One kb allows me to easily do hip work on the days I don’t deadlift, and unlike a barbell it’ll travel to the pullup bar and dip bars, anywhere in fact, easily.

I did not buy an 18″ plyo box.
Simply I didn’t see myself using the shit out of it as I will with the kb.

Saved that money for another day.


Knowing a kettlebell is on the way immediately I’m pondering the 10,000 swing challenge.

“Bro, you’re working as a mover.”
“Bro, your conditioning isn’t nearly that high.”
“Bro, you have no desire to mix the swing with lifts as written.”
“Bro, you’re not going to stick to anyone else’s written schedule.”
“Bro, mythical strength did his version in a week.”

I’m excited to have a tool for a massive increase in work capacity.



Coast to coast is around 40 hours via car or train.

4-6 hours driving a day gets you to the opposite coast within a week and a half.

Realize that, and the world isn’t so small.


Persistence & Tenacity

1/17/23 Journaling –

Work :

In the shop while waiting for everyone to show up myself and the manager’s son spoke of lifting and the gym.

I’ve known him since I was 19 from…the gym floor.

No longer at the same gym, and having crossed paths with him at multiple moving companies off and on over the years, we’re generally the only two who lift, and lifting/gym is a subject we’ll talk about.

I’d been wondering when the two of us would speak on the note, as he’s usually now doing quotes not out on trucks delivering houses.

Thinking of it both last night and a few nights ago, as I drove into work today I thought to myself “I’ll treat it like a game – I won’t bring up the gym, but will see how long it takes til he does”.

Then immediately after getting there he did.

The job itself was a full shift, 8½h, but 5½h of it was truck time – nothing particularly heavy, and anything moderately heavy went in easy access points.

The customer fed us, which is rare for military moves to do so.

And while this is better than the kitchen was, I do not like being around all the smoking.

Especially when it’s 5½ hours of cigarettes in the cab.


•two slices pepperoni
•one slice cheese
•20oz coke

The customer ordered, and the delivery came at just about the point I was going to get into my lunchbox.

This was all I ate til after work.


About The Pizza :

Noticed that the pepperoni had a garnish/spices a top it which with shake parmesan formed a crust like texture on top of the soft melted cheese.

The cheese pizza too had an artisanal quality to it – most of the cheese was melted, but there were these spots, a small circle here and there of mozzarella with the consistency you’d find in mozzarella sticks.

I’ve no idea if domino’s has changed their recipe since I had it last or if this restaurant wasn’t following spec in a good way.


Upon arriving home ;

•salami sandwich
•frosted animal crackers
•cheese stick


(after dark & after eating)


Overhead Squat
10 x bar

10 overhead squats my “I still lifted today” thing – real minimal as I’d let it get dark – there’s tomorrow for more meaningful – I intend isabel another tic faster on the interval timer

isabel – do her a little harder tomorrow


whether I’m being called fat or whether I’m being called muscular – I just own it

cracks me up to hear both from people in brief periods of time



walks every day, eventually twice a day is a good idea

bleachers – can be simply walking them – don’t skip weekends

not a bad idea to have something shouldered or in a bear hug for them either

the good part about having to carry stuff upstairs for work is that it’s good training – I am not lollygagging, I want my work pace to be FAST

pace is improving


•swig of cranberry juice
•chocolate covered pb pretzels
•two packs ramen w/four slices american cheese


I admit to myself that I basically eat as if I was a normal fat american.

I really did myself a favor bulking at 17 years old.

The question is :

•the rest of my life burly
•force feed for strongman, look for 300lbs body weight
•to change body type, get lean – this is the ego involved one, a new thing, and would show a smaller number on the scale (which is even funnier factoring in I haven’t stepped on one since late 2019)

I’ve always been disciplined about training frequently, but never have about eating clean or particularly structured.


Salt and dirty food can be your friend when you’re cramping.

Today didn’t seem hard enough at work for my calves to cramp. Maybe I underestimated the initial three hours of heated cab.

I had worked in shorts today. Though unseasonably warm, nearly 50, shorts is the right call down to probably 25ish for me.

Like I did today, the backpack has a pair of pants in it to change into if it’s too cold in shorts.


•8oz cranberry juice


Persistence & Tenacity

1/16/23 Journaling –

What I’d been calling “flow” is more aptly titled “journaling”.


Work :

short, worked about 2¾ for 3½h (4h?) pay, the only challenging item the base of the bed going upstairs (due to dimensions), the reclining couch on the ground floor not really an issue

at the shop I saved a strap being tossed out from the garbage – one of those infomercial ones, “forearm forklifts”, just one, not a pair as sold

that’s all there was, and that’s enough…

“fuck that, those are mine”
“the shovel?” he asks
“nah – this strap”

he’s looking at me funny, doesn’t know that this, intended as I’ve seen done online for isometric training, is a toy for me…I’m giddy

today at work I got a toy!

I’m going to incorporate it into my lift too



so much for no pullups while running the total gym pullup experiment lol


•meatball sub
•quart coffee milk

meatball sub – quite possibly my favorite food

and this being out of pocket mover’s food, not customer provided

at ~$8 it’s worth buying out, as it’d cost me about double in ingredients to make about two or three for myself – this way it’s “here you are”, while not taking up freezer space with meatballs you’re never gonna finish, nor having a bunch of the rolls go stale/moldy in the cabinet

man, I smell like coworkers’ (plural of them, plural of each of theirs) cigarettes – I hate that smell

still moving vs kitchen…

much better for the soul
I’ll take moving any day


These are both old anecdotes – years apart actually, one around my 21st the other around my 27th birthday :

I once had a girl, just shy of 20, a 5’10”, pretty, freckled brunette (nearly a redhead) proudly tell me she was 160lbs, that in the year and a half since high school she’d went from 240 to 160, first starting to jog, then adding in calisthenics, by then time we chatted about the gym waiting around at a job interview she had some FAST mile, 800m, 400m, and two mile times, and BIG squat numbers in the 10 rep range.

She just kept adding work as she could, and upping the intensity of the work from jogs to sprints & hard runs, from no strength training to calisthenics to hard leg sessions.

The girl went hard.

Turned herself into quite the athlete deciding that she was out of school, no longer was going to eat cause of having been picked on (and out of school no longer around the bullies), and did this around a hard full time job and living in a rather strict household.

I once had a girl, just shy of 19, about 5’8″ proudly tell me she was 130lbs, that during the end of her senior year and all this freshman year of college she’d decided enough was enough, and got healthy.

This girl telling me the same story in the opposite direction.

She had been anorexic, started strength training to gain weight and be healthy…

Two college girls I met through the gym in some capacity who looked good, but more importantly were healthy, which they hadn’t been even a year and a half earlier.

Spoke these anecdotes the other day, kinda had them on my mind, and came across body transformation stuff on reddit.

Which brings me to ;
The personal trainer isn’t there to get someone good at the gym…they’re there to get people, other people, healthy.

To speed up THAT process.

I remember typing one day, seeing both a man in his 60s, retired navy, who had initially spoke to me about calisthenics finding it odd that I at 6′ 250+ seemed in his eyes to only do pullups and burpees when he read me as “powerlifter”, and of a college girl, short and fat, RACKING UP burpees, high reps, pushing the pace, sweat puddle forming, not stopping to change the song GOING HARD.

That memory motivates me!
Seeing both a retiree and a fat college girl SMASHING burpees at the same time (though not together).



•quart coffee milk

Strap Isometrics :
bunch of positions/play (with new toy)

•tug of war
•one arm press

Lift :

Power Clean & Press (Every Rep Style)
2×2 w/185lbs
Fat Grips Deadlift
3×3 w/185lbs


The pulldowns, particularly the one arm pulldowns with the straps – I can feel the cramping.

This is going to be a strength builder, what a thing to mix with total gym pullups to build pullups without really doing any!


Having done an isometric tug of war, I realize this stuff could be done with others as a group.

Buddy carries are actually kinda fun, and I recall in the inuit/eskimo olympics there’s an event where, like a yoke, you walk carrying a few people.

Movement can be fun, it needn’t all be the gym.


listened to another half hour of the Scourby reading of the KJV Bible, been doing that more and more lately

a solid thing to have playing in the background


work was so easy, and tomorrow is mostly truck time so we train – a few sessions throughout the day

and note : the shoveling was so light – it doesn’t count as exercise, just fresh air

the total gym pullups felt really good last night, and we’re running them as an experiment in pullup ability without really doing pullups…alongside isometrics with my new toy


•frosted animal crackers


Total Gym Pullups :

we’ve aways to go to 10×30

yeah, I REALLY like this movement right now

it’s giving great euphoric pumps
I try to slow and feel the negative in my lats, while this is #1 for biceps in my eyes


•split pea soup


Training is going really well, I intend as the ground gets hard again (sure footed) to train power cleans heavier, make a push for the 300lb clean and press which mostly needs more power clean in the tank.


saw this pic with this quote below it today, combined them with photoshop – it strikes me


•three cheese sticks
•frosted animal crackers
•milk (in chilled glass)


thinking as I eat the above “how calories are more important than protein for size”, all the reps and the increasing work volume lead me to believe my body wants a lot of food right now


to keep logging food or not
as is I’m expecting to lean out as I increase activity


Persistence & Tenacity

January 2023 Flow – 1/15/23 – More Aptly Named Journals :

These are more aptly named journals than flows lol


Why are you asking how much progress is reasonably to be expected?

Give yourself something unrealistic “bigger than pudzianowski” (I’m about the same height, got a cleft chin, blue eyes, and spelled it right), and get fucking going.

though mma pudzianowski at 265lbs IS realistic & victory pose


I’d rather eat and out train high calories.

I’m laying here about to go to sleep thinking “heavy cream and corn pops” (not in the house), thinking too about what I’ll eat upon waking.


•two cheese sticks


Of all the people from the restaurant to cross paths with…today I crossed paths with one of the flamboyant homosexuals.

He looked stressed, and was dressed like he was headed to work…in the kitchen, not takeout where he’d worked part time when I was there.

Well with three cooks gone in two weeks, that about three weeks back now… educated guess? The many chiefs (not enough indians) are probably putting ANYONE into the kitchen.


I’m extremely happy to have left that job.
It was an incredibly negative environment.

The lesson, which I knew all along, that I can take away from my, just over, year there is this : don’t stick out things worth quitting, and don’t go against your gut instinct – I had the instinctive feeling “this place is toxic – leave immediately” within the first four to eight weeks there yet stayed another year past that.

TRUST in yourself and your abilities.
You DESERVE the best, but only when you ACT and BELIEVE it.


•two donuts
•16oz milk


Seeing grandma was an odd mix of depressing and nice – her mind is going, but unlike my mom’s step mom she’s cheerful, not angry.


Lift :

Power Snatch
5×1 w/155
& Sn OH Walk 20yd down & back on last rep


•slice of pizza
•glass of milk
•tortilla chips


Total Gym Pullups

Crazy bicep pump from this. Got some into my upper back.

It’d be interesting to build this to, say, 10×30 without doing real pullups just to see what the progression of volume on a light, high activation exercise does for my real pullups.

Weighted pullups I know work for my pullups, as is I don’t have access to one or much access to the other.

What carryover will happen from light to regular?
I expect good things.


It looks like no bleachers this weekend…

Dude, forgive yourself if something isn’t done 100% of the time you want to do so.

It was a choice. Could’ve. Chose not to.


•split pea soup
•buttered sourdough toast


•½ salami sandwich


I skipped running bleachers this weekend.
I forgive myself.


The pushups tonight had VERY HIGH tricep activation.

The press and the pushups feed into each other.

I’m liking the strict reps right now, and instead of the kitchen should take them outside for explosive reps – claps, height, etc.


Persistence & Tenacity

January 2023 Flow – 1/14/23 – The Glutes, Metabolic Stress, & Strength :

•½ sandwich
•tortilla chips
•few candies

The workout keeps getting pushed later and later.


•coffee milk (preworkout lol)


1st Lift :

Power Clean & Press (Every Rep Style)
Fat Grips Deadlift DOH
32x155lbs in 2:30
Power Snatch

Yesterday’s idea to amrap a 165lb pc became seeing how far I could go on the 185lb every rep style c&p.

My baked in level of strength on c&p in both every rep and press for reps styles is really approaching my lifetime PRs – this pleases me.

This = I’m much stronger with upper body press + full body pull.

Frankly I envision 10x205lbs ground to overhead every rep in the next month or six weeks, and working to 10×10 at 165 or 185lbs too is on my mind.


The Glutes, Metabolic Stress, & Strength :

With all the timed fat grips deadlifts the past few days I’ve noticed, noted, learned, and relearned some things :

•the glutes getting pumped is the #1 thing for me lower body building strength

•double overhand, light (~30-40% 1rm), and volume while pushing the pace on deadlifts gets me there

•otherwise ANYWAY that I get a solid glute pump, this can vary from period of time to another

•considering the above a kettlebell swing would fit the requirements – so 50 or 53lber? 70lber? 40kg or 90lber? 100lber? Aside Later :


A metal plyo step would be a heavier duty option than a step stool.


I realize I’d feel better with frequent training for a time.

So I’m not going to restrict food at all – simply follow instinct while looking for progressively more and more working out.


The Later Aside :

I keep putting off purchasing a kettlebell.

Thresh this out :
I can nearly double bell bottoms up press 53s, always can bottoms up press a 70lber strong side, and have never touched over a 70lber.

40kg or 90lber?

Maybe go all in on the 100lber and just swing it bunches, while attempting bottoms up presses using the free hand to help with balance.


Sandbag Aside :

It’d be ~$30 to rebuild my sandbag.
Another 200-300lbs of sand, and pack of contractor clean up bags.

I know shouldering it 50/20, and carrying it in every conceivable manner, plus bear hug good mornings would all serve me well.

It’d also be easily travelable, something I could easily bring with me to meet up and get that former coworker strong should he actually be committed to getting in shape with my help.

Sandbags can be used anywhere.


2nd Lift :

Overhead Squat
30 x bar

really pumped through them, great upper back pump, and out of breath

Side Press
10 x 75lb db each side

the movement always feels stronger, way more easy to rep, on my weak side

Grip + Row Play
w/75pb db, letting go at bottom, catching opposite hand, rowing

forearms surprisingly sore, noticed it carrying the empty barbell in one hand

this movement combination is what I think off as work capacity – the two, ohs and side press take nothing out of me, can be supersetted, and done density, and both build a useful rugged upper back strength


Food & The Senses – We Have Sight, Smell, Taste For A Reason :

I look at the steak, having purchased it about a week ago I know most would immediately toss it.

I don’t like wasting food, any.
However, I’m going to use, what I consider, common sense, and run the food through a three part test.

1. Sight
2. Smell
3. Taste

I’ve eaten and drank food “out of date” and it’s variants before, the answer to “is it still good” often is yes, though for a grocery store or restaurant it isn’t.

So I run the test. Today, $6 of steak went into the trash – it looked off to me, and I made the call on step one.

Often I’ve run milk that another (say the bartender) is about to toss through the test, sampling it, passing it, and drinking it freely that day til gone.

You just have to be smart about these things.

Also – I am full of energy, after cooking and eating I expect a third lift, more side presses.


No Steak Dinner Tonight :

Well with steak out the dinner window, and the pan warmed I looked about ; “well I’ve leftover mexican restaurant food, nor have I eaten eggs today”, so it all went into the pan, mexican food and a meaningful amount of protein via eggs.

•mexican leftovers
•six eggs
•chips & chocolates


I realize in about 1ÂĽ years line cooking I never went 24 hours without food.

The ~41 hours fasting this week was nice to do, proving to myself that one need not have such a needy relationship with food.

It strikes those who look that to be needy about food is a feminine quality.

My last time in the grocery store the topic of food craving came up as conversation while in the checkout line.

While I can easily forget the craving and not end up eating the object in question the cashier was adamant that cravings stay on her mind til she eats whatever it is.

Women think far more about the next meal and what sounds good for it than men do.

However it’s rather comical the weight trainer, most ridiculously in bodybuilder form, being just as, if not moreso, needy about food than women who truly need the food consumption to have the healthy fat deposits that genetically they require to healthily nurture children.

I’m going to enjoy my meal now.


I’d been thinking of Dan John describing hypertrophy as too easy when switching back and forth from one arm to the other with one arm pressing, so & in cahoots with massive energy before/during the preceding meal…

3rd Lift :

Fat Grips Side Presses :
50* reps total each side x 75lb

the difference in writing this coming down to this time it wasn’t straight sets – I set my mind to 50 each side, and got it in as many as it took, again weak side is stronger in this movement than strong side – less sets necessary to hit rep goal weak set vs strong side


(*actually 60, did a 10 rep set each side after hitting rep goal, strong side a real gut it out set…still hilarious to be stronger in one arm presses with my weak side for what it’s worth)


There’s power in not masturbating.

As my beard grows longer, my inner strength growing via the discipline of not wasting seed…

You notice more of the opposite sex noticing you.

You notice in her looks the attractive traits, not the unattractive ones.

You catch her eye color, in every little interaction.

You’re more outgoing – talkative, willing to speak your mind, putting yourself out there, etc.

More disciplined about everything, waking up, showing up on time, eating, cooking, cleaning, training multiple sessions daily, etc.


Nightly Pushups :

They felt so easy after all the overhead lifting today.

Take note. Hint. Hint. There’s something to that. Etc.

Overhead work makes horizontal pressing far easier.


Based on how the side press feels, and how I look in the mirror holding victory pose – it hits the lats strongly.

I’d suggest a side press habit, lots of volume, with the heaviest dumbbell you can manage.

All I own is a 75lber.


•two cheese sticks


Persistence & Tenacity

January 2023 Flow – 1/13/23 – A Better Paced “Isabel” WOD :

“J how old are you”, the driver asks as we three are almost back at the shop.

“28” I reply, and to my surprise he says “older than I thought, I’d have guessed 23, 24”.

“Huh, odd – that’s the second time in the last few months people have guessed younger – the only two times that’s ever happened”.

It was a silly short delivery, minutes down the road from the shop, each of us making maybe five trips from the truck to the apartment.

Ten stories total, and each time I was gassing before setting the boxes down in the apartment.

What the fuck! Am I that out of shape, or was today a fluke?

(made funnier by the fact my hamstrings were tight, and my lower back a tad sore from wednesday’s 50/20 workouts – I went to work anyway, gotta get the “sea legs” – I’d rather get paid while sore, building the mental toughness that laborers have, that is oft missing from the gym – I don’t like these dudes being able to outwork me. And I think the driver saw that I was huffing and puffing and continuing anyway)

Either way, I know my answer as tomorrow is saturday and I run bleachers on the weekend.

In moments I’ll, I think deadlift or maybe front squat carry – that’s the closest without a good stairwell I can get to work stimulus I’d say.

I need to get over to the hardware store, purchase, better yet build, a sturdy step stool or box, and get to daily step up workouts on most if not all days.

What time tomorrow shall I run bleachers?


16oz cranberry juice

½ hour Duolingo – “paid linguist status”
(still being paid since 4hr minimum)


1st Lift :

Isabel WOD
singles – e:15o:15 – just under 7:30

did her way harder this time

“paid athlete status” for all but the final seconds
(still being paid since 4hr minimum)

training this up (well technically down), using my old burpees method – the timed interval, next workout is every :14, etc

I just went when the timer went off in my headphones, got warm fast – I pulled the winter hat up, but not off so as to keep headphones on, was panting – should’ve worn mouth guard, it may help.

I feel real good having done isabel a bit quicker today.

Interesting how the interval timer has me go faster than just against the clock.

I noticed that I lowered the bar to the ground sl, my feet were a bit wide at the start of almost all reps, and many reps were just yank, then jump as it slowed around power point – not properly jump/shrug method.

Safe, but inefficient for heavier pulls, I’m using more back and traps than legs/hips this way.

The isabel wod – it feels like “it’s time”, may be a daily thing, I can feel the benefit.

The following will train glutes/hips however…


•½ sandwich
•16oz milk


Reading Ethan Reeve’s stuff I can find online.

As an adult you could play a sport as baseline, assume that your lifting is going to feed into that, both propping up the other, not taking away – go be awesome.

I like reading the anecdotes, here he is talking about the strength of college athletes, football players, wrestlers…

You should be as strong and conditioned as such, they’re human, you’re human.

Found this too :

Can only say thank you to the author – has me far more motivated to train in my circumstance.


I remember me and another did 405lb deadlift singles for 50 or 60 minutes emom, finished the goal, kept going, and eventually seeing no end in sight spoke about calling it a draw and eyed each other suspiciously til the minute we both didn’t pull had passed.

Get back to that ability!


2nd Lift :

Fat Grips Deadlift DOH
50 reps in ~3:30 w/135lbs

Maybe this morning was an issue with being empty of food and fluid – felt strong having a little in me.

This felt like kettlebell conditioning, I’d like one. What poundage though?

Great glute pump, felt it in my forearms a little – I was starting light with the fat grips on purpose.

Maybe tomorrow 50 reps with 155lbs, same movement.


•16oz milk


3rd Lift :

4×185 STRICT pauses at bottom
Fat Grips SLDL DOH


•16oz cranberry juice


•went out to eat, mexican – fish dish, ate half – unlike me to not finish my plate


My energy is so high right now, and I have nothing to do, nowhere to go – makes me want to move, start at square one somewhere else – a real blank slate (dude you can make it happen anywhere), start a social life, gym, career there (dude, anywhere).


After the 41 hours fasting, then having smaller more frequent feedings today, I’m making note of how I feel, the small feedings felt good.

I’ve never really done frequent feedings, just very briefly in early 2021 – it wasn’t bodybuilder at all, just like “okay, a bar, cheese stick, and 8oz milk”, “oh, an hour and a half since I ate last, let’s eat two slices of american cheese”, and did that all day in addition to a meal or two.

Maybe that’s what I’ll do, and I won’t bother going no carb, just throughout moving shifts just pointedly every ninety minutes or so drink 8oz of cranberry juice or milk or eat a cheese stick or ÂĽ sandwich, do that for a time.

And on days off it’s “sea leg training” – as many mini sessions as possible, eating all the time, and keeping up the growing of my beard.

I genuinely feel that this is a prep period, that stuff is going to line up for me after a period of hell for me.


Think about this, I’m not out chasing skirts, I don’t drink, it’s friday night – I’m not getting laid.

I ate dinner with my mom again, maybe that’s a twice month thing or something.

Spent a good portion of my tiny paycheck, like 20% after taxes to eat out – the hours weren’t there this week.

Hey though – the fun stuff, the experience, the memories – we were in the same car, and hammed it up jamming to miley cyrus, katy perry – the pop station on the way back to my parents.

“Mom, it’d be a blast to be in a city, doing this same thing at a stop light, me serenading those next to me with pop music, me hamming it up – hey, that intersection in 2020 while everything was shut down I had a funny stoplight car to car interaction with two chicks…”


I look forward to both lifting and running bleachers tomorrow.

I’ve made note to amrap a 165lb power clean, reading deep water PRs the other day – man I have work to do.

May also do isabel but at either 7:00 to today’s 7:30 (technically seconds less as I’m going against an interval tic – the 30th interval isn’t how long it takes to get the last rep) or…

Same interval but up it 5lbs.
That could be run to 155lbs, maybe higher, THEN drop it with 135lbs from 7:30 down to say 4:00, mixing the two progressions for interest.


That dip odyssey in 2019, I got real strong by just throwing lots and lots of reps at the movement, got reps easily with bw+45, I remember being all giddy, pumped up to go tell the (6’3″ 335lbs at his peak) bodybuilder, oddly, working desk there (I’d known him from a few gyms over the years) that I’d dipped at 400lbs between bw and plates.

Right now, I have the opportunity to really see what lots of light deadlifts, and lots of olys will do for my deadlift.

I’ve got the fat grips, no reason this couldn’t be 50 in 5:00 at 300+ doh within six months.

No reason I couldn’t hit a 225lb isabel in 10:00, a snatch every :20.

Between Ethan Reeve and Jon Andersen I’ve read some anecdotes that put fire in my belly for seeing what I can do with olys.

Just gotta find the more than lifting weights physicality and get my wind.


•ritz bitz
•kit kats

Yeah, high frequency training and high frequency feedings for awhile.

I’d like to “out train a bad diet”, but at the same time eating a couple hundred calories a million times throughout the day isn’t that high calorie in the end.


Does Working As A Mover Take Away From The Gym?

Well, having been in and out of moving since 2017, always lifting weights in some form alongside it – here’s my thoughts.

Pay attention to the lower back – don’t train it if you’re sore from work or a lift – save it for work.

If something is sore don’t train it.

I was, with my trex arms, generally unable to do much if any biceps work alongside moving – nicely this is changing.

The little hours allow me to get in shape, muscular and otherwise, for this job, outside of, and alongside it.

Sometimes my grip will get freakish inside the gym from labor – and yet still the meth head 100lbs lighter than me can pick up nearly as heavy as me, but seemingly hold it for much longer than I.

Seriously, the labor world and the gym lifting weights world are not much the same.

Gym strength carries over to the pianos.
Two things ; right now lots of boxes and lots of stairs, the stairs moreso, are my nemesis.

I remembered teasing this chick “I don’t use the stair climber, after being paid to carry boxes a 100+ stories all in all today, nope not stepping on that hellish thing after work as part of my workout – everyone on it should try carrying boxes for one of the four hours we ran boxes of books to that attic today”.

Funny, now I’m doing bleachers for the sea legs – I have a slightly different mentality now.

I’ve heard of all the professional fighters who worked manual labor then boxed daily.

I don’t see a reason that I have to be soft.
There’s no reason I couldn’t be as capable as the men of yesteryear.

Moving can be, an odd, base for strongman which seems the physical path I’m most likely to aim myself.

Labor is tougher than lifting.
Use both to your advantage.

My grip strength needs lots of work.

Luckily the job and all the fat grip pulling fixes this.


The morning after my first 495lb deadlift (a friday night in 2016), I was squatting every day, and so sore – but I wanted to still work up to a 405lb squat…

2×5 bar, 2×5 95lbs, ~75×5 135lbs THEN loose enough, 3×185, 3×225, singles at 275, 315, 345, 365, 405

Everyone thought I nuts.

It’s a lesson that regular work gives you ability fast.
The whole thing was maybe 75 minutes.


Persistence & Tenacity

January 2023 Flow – 1/12/23 – Breaking A 40+ Hour Fast :

I’ve been regularly dreaming of these situations where I could have alcohol, and even in the dreams I turn it down.

Alcohol is something that simply has no draw to me.

way more alluring than the booze


I used to, til about puberty, regularly have nightmares of cowardice – still having them occasionally after.

Those mostly passed by the time at age 15 I stood up to an 18 year old with all his friends around to protect another.

At about 18 years old I charged a pitbull.


Woke up with trap soreness, at about 36 hours fasted, energy a bit low.

The day is off, so went back to bed, slept in a couple hours THEN immediately took to typing.

Typing to middle school rap, while meditating on what the next lift will entail.

I’m leaning towards not breaking this fast without another workout.

Coming up on 40 hours, I may go to 48, eat a keto dinner knowing I may be eating carbs at work tomorrow.

Will today be a million session day?
With 12-14 waking hours still the day is young, we’ll see.


Okay, about 41 hours fasted – I changed my mind, with how tight some muscles were, and how stiff I felt I decided to break fast, and I included carbs :

•two cheese sticks
•½lb kielbasa
•bowl of tortilla chips

That gone I’m about to cook eggs.

•five eggs
•one potato (home fries)
•10oz reeses
•48oz milk
•bowl of tortilla chips

Food is more enjoyable when fasted, I tasted it, savored it more.

Not a lot of food, especially considering 40 hours without a calorie – the lesson is we in the first world eat far too much.

Alternate day dieting, fasting every other day could be sustainable.

We’ll see what I do alongside moving and lifting weights.


Moving :
I know that it’s not a career, not enough money, but I’m taking pride in it in the moment.

Eyesight was a bit better while fasted.

While eating the second bowl of chips I thought to myself “why am I still eating”.

Eating carbs is an addiction.
Eating is emotional, habit.

In this case I felt better not eating – learn the balance.

Note : I almost immediately had to shit after this meal, maybe 45:00 later.

It would’ve been a better idea to keep it clean.


Visiting Cali at 18, too lazy to cook which is exactly what not having learned to cook is – a lot of my meals were microwaving meatballs from costco, eating that with tortilla chips.

I like tortilla chips, always have, choosing them today, and often lately as salty carb alongside meat.


Lift :

Overhead Squat
2×10 w/ bar

Really let my shoulders stretch, looked for full body mobility – loosened me up real well.

Not doing a big lift today, was tight, but with wintery conditions/snowing – I’m okay with the easy lift.

“As long as you at least feel the movement for a few with the empty bar.”


I’ve long liked the John Broz “squat every day ” philosophy.

For me I’m going “lift every day”, apparently seeing how far I make it this year, but I’m not sweating it.

If I’m genuinely away from weights that’s okay.

However there is no excuse to not overhead squat my beater bar for a few when at home if I don’t do something bigger.


The overhead squat is a great loosening movement.

It’s not a good idea to sit around when you’re sore.

Movement, generally done light through the full range of motion, makes you limber again.

The overhead squat is the weight trainer’s yoga.


As I shoveled snow and after showered I was checking in.

Yesterday’s 50/20s were great, my glutes and traps have obviously worked – primed, which is good for strength though sore, as have my forearms, with hamstrings and biceps a bit tight.

While shoveling I had an emotion hit me, frankly I could’ve cried – just this overwhelming thought of “I’m approaching 30 and have accomplished nothing – no wife, no kids, working a job that’s going nowhere (though moving feels much better to my soul than line cooking), and never went anywhere athletically”.

I want wind, for health, and for performance.

In the moment to be able to run it on job sites – I hate being the slowest on the crew running boxes, want my hands on every heavy item, etc.

The answer to this is bleachers on the weekend, lifting every day – off work meaningfully, on work minimally.

Daily activity.

Walks would be easy to integrate, while a
kettlebell is a purchase that would get me outside for lots of volume.

But, my psyche goes to this place, this same one repeatedly…

“Dude, why aren’t you in a gym.”

As I showered I thought of all the pulling volume I didn’t do during the covid lockdowns.
Hindsight 20/20

I had 500lbs in weight available, I could’ve been overhead squatting, power snatching, power cleaning, pressing, and deadlifting like a madman.

You could make an entire transformation, in any direction, with effort at the above.

Going to the powerlifting gym or not is right on the line for me, I’m being indecisive.

If I took another dead end job, one less physical, not a kitchen, more set hours and had to pass by it daily…

A cashier would be a million daily interactions, and be nothing on recovery.

What did all the world’s strongest man competitors do for a living?

How many times have I been told that I should do strongman?

And dude…

How passionate do I get when speaking about wrestling, which I haven’t done since 2011?

It’s hell to live in ; the “glory days”, in television’s version of reality, etc ie not making your life a story worthy of telling.


It horrifies me to see the lifestyles and where they end up, the guy’s miserable after a lifetime of dead end job.

The negativity of everyone just feeding into each other – I find my mentality works better for me then they theirs.

Even if it’s a mundane task at a dead end job, there’s something to smile about and be thankful for.

The moving company forces me out of bed, making me move around in the fresh morning air.

We all need fresh morning air and movement in our lives.


Ahh, what was going negative was made positive.


I smile knowing day by day, week by week, soon month by month my beard shall grow longer.

Money ; why couldn’t I train people outdoors with naught but a barbell?

Has anyone done it?
I could be the first.

Then come up with some cutesy name like “CrossFit” and term like “WOD” for what entails overhead squatting, power snatching, power cleaning, pressing, and deadlifting, generally for reps, with little warm up, and medium to heavy weights like a madman – start with one person or a small group, and eventually have AMRAPS (hey another term) televised on espn.

Note To Self :
Dude, take the above seriously.
Make it. No reason you couldn’t make it with a barbell and any space.



wes watson – gate money and a vision


Nearing bedtime, yesterday without food, today with what’s listed above and maybe a small meal in the next hour or two – I look a bit less fat.

This could work for me, mixing aggressive intermittent fasting with aggressive lifting.

aim for beating that power clean set Note ; going for 50×405 squat

Tomorrow after work, or Saturday, and bearing good footing – how many times can I power clean 165lbs?

Sounds like the extra clean work I need for my pressing.


•two cheese sticks
•two chicken quesadillas (or whatever to call them – spicy tortilla shells, breaded chicken, mexican mix cheese melted)
•12oz cranberry juice
•32oz milk
•candy bar
•handful peanuts

You know, frequent feedings are as simple as a few bites of meat or cheese.

It’s ten seconds to eat a cheese stick.

This meal sat better than the first.

Two meals ten hours apart, and still not particularly high calorie on the day.

Tomorrow I move a, well I know the apartment complex – no elevator, it may be fun getting any couches out.


Laying to bed my abs are sore.

As they’ve been all day.

I attribute it to the 50/20 snatches yesterday.

They’re not used to that many reps overhead, nor snatches – as for the past 15 months I’d mostly just pressed.


Persistence & Tenacity