6/18/21 – On Unideal/Nonideal :

According to merriam webster both nonideal and unideal are proper english.

Therefore by definition, and on principle either works well enough.

It’s whether you’re willing to make it work or not that makes all the difference.

I bought two hot dogs and some milk on the go.

Didn’t have much time that evening, not not going to train, a couple days in a row on “empty” I wanted to get something in me.

Call it a cheat meal, not that I’m dieting, my life of long work hours and gym volume daily has me on “the unintentional cut”, a lifestyle thing, brute force instead of being finely planned out.

I feel great with those calories in me, soon I’ll be at the gym, I’m writing first as time management is coming up a lot lately.

What are my priorities?

I’m not slacking off on the gym.

Instead of bodybuilder style eating, chicken breast in my crockpot while at work, I’ve been eating lots of frozen chicken, fish sticks, breaded protein from the freezer made in the microwave.

That’s a step to take, tightening up lifestyle.

How I eat. What I eat. When I eat.

Even though, as is I’m looking more bodybuilder, starting to get leaner, not just retaining, but building muscle and hearing lots of “he lifts” type comments in public.

Work a physical job, barely eat, and insist on daily calisthenic volume – it ends up being contest prep.

Persistence & Tenacity

6/17/21 – Fasting, Work, Training – Thoughts :

Another day, a 24 hour fast the day after one meal and a couple gatorades…

Pushing makes you better.
It”s not even pushing.

I feel good, drank a full gallon of water, no calories, lots of work hours, still train.

Lots of “you lift” type comments lately, multiple today, obviously what I’m doing is working.

Work long hours. Train volume regardless, daily, because I do.

High testosterone.

That’s what it is, and it’s easy to be.

Just be it, like nike says just do it, be it…live it.

Men are superior on “empty”, you don’t need as much sleep, food, even hydration as you think you need to dominate your day.

Less makes you more.

Too many calories is worse than not enough.

Too much everything, not enough and you learn who you are.

I’ll always train.

It doesn’t matter what went on in my day, I’ll always train.

I train everyday.

Showering up at 10pm? Later?
A okay – I train.

The results come.


700+ pushups

Dinner most of a box of fish sticks and a candy bar, a bit of milk and grape juice.

All good.

Again tomorrow.

Persistence & Tenacity

6/17/21 Anecdote – “Why Are They Waiting Outside To Workout Indoors?”

They’re lined up outside some type of trendy little fitness place, it’s about ten til four, must be after their workday, they’re in line waiting for the door to open.

I look at the group saying “now if you were all real motivated you’d be hitting burpees right now waiting for the door to unlock”.

The one guy in the group, tall, decent shape, mid 50s, says “you lead then”, I told the group I was still at work, but I’d be hitting them later at pf, this I considered an open invitation.

Get clients!

Interesting reactions to my joke, the one man replied back, most of the women laughed, one or two jokingly groaned “no not burpees” to some laughs/giggles, and the best looking woman in the group, an attractive (good hips, muscular legged) very fit, very tanned early 40 something – she stared at me squared up, head down in gunslinger body language with that look in her eyes.

I ended up fasting about 24 hours, zero calories – no gatorade at work today, drank over a gallon of water, 700+ pushups as the majority of the training this night.

•train lots.
•talk lots.

You feel great doing both.
Do both lots.

It makes for a more enjoyable day.

You need both.
So I do.

Persistence & Tenacity

June 2021 Flow – Running On Empty Is Superhuman

Running on empty is SUPERHUMAN

On my feet all day, physical all day, a 24 hour fast but for just a little more than one gatorade – I hit the gym late, stoked, motivated, and get it

All the daily PT, on overhead squats I combine three sets into one to get it in fast.

Loving life! Loving life!
Motivated! Motivated!
Hell yeah! Hell yeah! Alright.

The five sets of mantra pushups with just enough rest…barely.

Quick. Next set.

The gym In N Out style – under 45 minutes, everything, fast.
Whole body.


I’ve found that pushing outside the gym makes me stronger in the gym.

Fuck thinking about recovery, you don’t need it*, it’s overrated*!

People need to dig deeper physically, and live their lives in defiance to the softness that is the modern world.

Be ancient levels of physical in modern times.

If you don’t have a physical job you should be walking lots, hiking being even better.

Hike the appalachian trail while doing PT daily all the way – you’ll exit the woods a specimen.

Whether you have a physical job or not you NEED to be doing daily PT, lots of calisthenics.

I’ve done my “dip odyssey” before, and now I’ve concluded that pullups done habitually are the training way to be old school farmer/viking/highlander strong.

Do lots.

Persistence & Tenacity

*in the commonly accepted gym sense

P.S. Well hydrated makes this easy, food is far less necessary than water.

June 2021 Flow – Weighed Pullups Dropset :

Weighted chins…immediately into dropset.

18 months ago on a good day I would superset machine curls with pullups, the best set being 9, I believe it was nuetral grip, pullups.

Now I’m getting weighted chins at bw+45 for a few immediately into 10+ chins unweighted.

I’m stronger.

Imagine 8+ reps at bw+90 or better, and repping past 20 unweighted.

What you visualize you will materialize.

The key to becoming a god at the gym/physically is to put in the time.

Persistence & Tenacity

June 2021 Flow – “Poor Man’s Chalk” :

Since being a member of ye olde commercial gym hell, the one where soon after my 22nd birthday I got kicked out of for deadlifting courteously (no joke) – I have had a running joke referencing my use of what I have long christened “poor man’s chalk”.

Not straps, and unlike actual chalk able to be found on most any commercial gym floor – I’ve long, as a running joke, refered to the paper towels used to dry my hands before grabbing the bar as “poor man’s chalk”.

Every commercial gym has some, even planet fitness.

“Hold on, I need to go get some poor man’s chalk.”

“Bro, have some poor man’s chalk.”

The looks can be golden, eventually they catch on to the slang.

Persistence & Tenacity

June 2021 Flow – On The Internet’s False Idea As To “Natty” Limits :

All those “natty” limits, the ones you see online…Don’t buy into them!

Such low standards – they’re only there to coddle mental weaklings as to their suckitude.

I’ve went farther!

More lean mass than is supposedly what someone my height could step on stage weighing as a natural.

More lean mass than what I could supposedly step on stage weighing!

Think on that a moment.

Those published internet standards are bullshit.

It’s all a matter of time, years, and work.

“Good genetics” means putting in more time while younger.

That’s the truth.

I saw it growing up, while in high school, middle school, even elementary school.

Start as a teen, and you’ll be superhuman before 30.


Otherwise you’re playing catch up.

The kid climbing trees beats the kid playing playstation come high school.

Start soonest, then always train.

Most don’t participate, so within a decade you win.

“Misguided”? Doesn’t matter.
Any effort beats no effort.

Plenty have thrived on the most basic of workouts done consistently.

Having started at 14 I’ve given myself a huge gift – about half my lifetime training.

As I age the percentage only increases.

I’m committed.
I’ll always train.

Make the decision. Follow through.
A decade is what it takes at most, you won’t be the same person physically…you’ll be superhuman.

Everyone has the potential.

Natty limits are bullshit.
Beast Building 101

Persistence & Tenacity

10×10 Chins Superset W/ Mantra Pushups :

6/13/21 ~855/900-920pm

Right now my ribcage is cramping up. I walked into the gym about three hours ago, training with a buddy for awhile (two actually), then did my own stuff, the daily PT for awhile longer.

I’d done two sets of chins early in the session, I kept upping the number of mantra pushup sets.

At ten I decided to go to twenty, and was supersetting them with sets of 10 chins.

The rest being the long walk from one spot to the other, the pullup bar, and pushups in my burpees spot being on opposite sides of the gym floor.

I was applying “poor man’s chalk” (what’s available at commercial gyms) as necessary.

I don’t know whether I started with chins or pushups, so I did a set of chins to end making it definite that I’d done 10×10 in twenty to twenty five minutes with the superset.

The pushups my mantra count of around 25, the final set to 35. The final chin up set to 11.

The self talk from the middle sets to the end was amazing, strong, I was GUARANTEED to make it.


Extra credit reps on both, and this was the finisher at the end of the session.

10×10 pullups in 10:00 or 20:00 was something I set as a lifetime goal starting to train at fourteen years old.

At 27 I just roughly did it.

It’s cool to see these things happening, coming together.

Keep training. Always keep training.

Now to get the time down, and to get it as pullups in place of chins.

Persistence & Tenacity

June 2021 Flow – Burpees, Physical Jobs, & Compounding Progress :

•stomach hit
•toe touch

The first rep a one pump, the second a two pump burpee, I’m laddering the number of pushups (___ pump burpees) up each rep.

This was in addition to ten sets of daily pushups, additionally, not in place of.

Ladder 1-12, ladder 1-10 or 12.

If I’m resting I’m jogging in place.

I love the soaked tshirt, the sweat – I feel great, it’d be even better outside shirtless in the sun, I’m inside the gym ending the day right with burpees.

Burpees set the world right.
Set you right.

I do them. So should you.

I’ve seen some varied individuals doing burpees, a retiree who’d been military, an obese girl looking to change that.

I hope she did. I like seeing people put in honest work.

Working out is the simplest of things, needing nothing but you and your heart.

You can do burpees daily, anywhere, everywhere.

They’re something I would’ve been well served doing consistently much younger.

As I trained I thought of bodybuilding.

I can see myself big with abs, but not doing the whole stereotypical lifestyle.

The drugs were never a possibility. I’ve never drank, never smoked, why would I do a cycle – I like being “natural” – I view it as a challenge.

I’ve went far on heart alone.

I’ve never ate clean.
I’ve been at the gym after labor shifts.

I train.

It’s what I do.

You close the gym – I’ve always got pushups.

Zero equipment. Zero training partners. I still do the pushups.

No bench press?
I put people on my back.
Or massive volume of vanilla pushups.

I’ve gotten more into bodybuilding, but my way – as it’s supposed to be, as an individual thing.

Ten sets of pushups, 20+ mantra reps per set has become the daily standard.

The volume makes me strong and lean.

I’m “cutting” solely not eating during the day, and insisting on keeping gym volume up every evening while working a physical job.

Doing so is possible, its not hard, you could be working to death in a libyan salt mine your roman overseer whipping you for not moving rocks fast enough.

pictured: a libyan salt mine where your roman overseers whipped you for not moving rocks fast enough

Physical job, lots of upper body calisthenics, some leg work, some dumbbell work. Daily.

I look forward to the adaption.
I know it’s coming.

This progress isn’t it!
The potential is much higher.

Thus far I’ve been solid at everything.

15+ chins baked in EVERY DAY

I’m pushing enough volume, at a moderate intensity, at a decent calorie level to put on muscle while dropping fat fast.

It’s possible, but you’ve got to believe, and prior training experience helps.

I didn’t pull it off starting out.

I’m doing it now.

You’ve gotta always keep training.

The rewards are compounding.

Persistence & Tenacity

June 2021 Flow – Up The Volume → Get Lean :

There’s plenty of historical precedence showing that starvation and hard labor combined lead to leanness then an explosion of muscular growth once sufficient calories become present.

You can train and diet so super scientifically, or you can throw so much at yourself that your body has no choice but to become awesome.

At present I’m working, barely eating, and doing a good deal of volume in the evening.

I just throw more and more pushups at myself, mantra sets, and stacking up more and more ten pump burpees til the cows come home.

Sets are always 10+ reps, I’m doing 250-600 pushups every night.

Lean is guaranteed.

Between low calories and the daily workouts I’m seeing progress, my upper body more visibly muscular, and all the chins are putting on lat size.

However I don’t view this, what I do, as hard. I train cause I love it.

It’s natural to make more progress and become more invested in doing things right as you continue.

Persistence & Tenacity