I wonder how much of a gas tank is on an nfl lineman.
While sumo isn’t known for endurance, would there be 6′ 300lb gas tanks in rugby?
I don’t like how out of breath I am at 290lbs after everything, though I do believe that just like work capacity, a gas tank can be built.
It helps that I’m not some lifetime sedentary obese, I did play some sports in high school, I’ve always done my pushups, never quit lifting weights, worked some labor jobs, etc.
It’d make sense to be a bit more rigid and scientific about my burpees.
Not just do some, but set a progression, and work to 100+ unbroken in a good time frame.
And if I’m not in habit of jumping rope, to do jumping jacks – maybe as a warm up, maybe as something to do after lifting or handstand practice.
Lately my “1500 reps daily idea” keeps popping into mind.
I’ve come across a bunch of “I did 500/I did 1000 exercise (squats or pushups usually) daily for 30 days” type videos with lots of views.
1500 reps daily was similar to that I’ve done before.
And the snow will be here soon ; just like lifting in the snow – it’s gonna be camera worthy, I’ll be doing burpees bare chested, barefoot in the snow.
But that’s sorta aside, I need to start putting the gas tank back on at this size.
I hate to admit it, I’ll either have to truly spend more time at back yard lifting or go to a gym for awhile – for some reason I tend to just do lots more volume while at gyms.
As long as it’s been, and starting off it was too – lots of volume not at a gym, yet I haven’t made the switch again to volume training alone outside.
I’ve been too apt to sit around the house, instead of training in the yard.
If there’s one thing the gym is good for it’s getting me out of the house, and if I’ve went usually it’s nothing to spend longer there, do some more workout volume.
Gotta get that in the yard.
It’ll help for both fitness and content.
Every night I’m brainstorming.
Persistence & Tenacity