11/2/20 Gym Flow : Weighted Pullups And DB C&P

I feel like I’m growing a shell on my back.

Dumbbell clean and press – it’s an amazing movement when you hit it hard and often.

I did a set of 12 with the pair of 60s.
15lbs to go til completing the Sig Klein challenge.

The majority of the session was back and forth between pullups, and db c&p.

A few sets of one, then a few of the other.

The funny thing is that I had went there with the idea to pullover in the wrestler’s bridge, and didn’t.

I’m at the gym doing things that make me diesel.

Literature has a lot of rules for training. I definitely broke one today

Weighted pullups – singles and a few doubles as I got more into it, but using only 10lbs.

I’m been at 5 or 6 pullups lately, not double digits, and I’m doing weighted pullups.

Tsk tsk says the literature.

Through action I say fuck that.

I get a lot out of weighted pullups, I’ve found it transfers back to bodyweight reps.

Get used to a plate dangling off your waist, and when you decide to do bodyweight reps again it’s like you just dropped a bunch of fat with a snap of the fingers.

Plus it makes you stronger, it’s the calisthenic version of a heavy % of 1rm.

I’d rather weighted pullup a few 45s, a 400lb pullup all combined than just rep out.

I’ve never focused on top holds, or middle holds, or any hangs for that matter for a couple of years.

Top holds, middle holds, and slow negatives for the grip and lats.

Cause this is what my pf training is whittling down to :

•weighted pushups
•db c&p
•weighted pullups

4th on that list should be wrestler’s bridge variations – pressing with dumbbells and pullovers with the preloads progressing into dumbbells.

Neck is the muscle I care about having jacked the most, training must reflect this.

Near the end of the session I took the 75s to get a feel for them.

A few sets of c&p for sets of 4 and 3.

The crazy thing is I was jumping/doing the oly stomp on the upswing.

Usually it’s swung between the legs, and follows a swing into curl pattern, but today I was jumping when the bells reached about standard kb swing height.

This made it easier to press though it also made the catch angle 45°/135° instead of the bells being caught and pressed neutral.

Doing the movement I realized for this variation I had found the barbell weightlifting “pocket”, and was doing it right.

John Grimek felt that dumbbells build more strength than barbells.

With how much extra focused coordination is required I agree.

You also are much stronger on the dumbbells when you’re hyper focused on moving them in the right lines.

I did do one set of just the press.
The 75s for 10, which charts say equals 100 for a 1rm.

I remember those charts from freshman pe.

For a little while now I’ve had the gut feeling I could with access to them, clean and press a pair of 100lb dumbbells.

In fact I want that after I’ve hit the Sig Klein challenge which is very near.

A heavier version of the challenge.

Doing it at bodyweight would be very cool, and frankly I feel is possible for me.

That press set taught me something.

Doing each part of c&p alone for reps past the challenge’s required 12 is a good way to build more brute force for both movements.

For the wind to do them combined lighten the dumbbells and do volume with short rests.

I want the Sig Klein challenge so I’m doing work related to it daily.

When you want to get good at a lift do it daily til you’re happy with your ability.

You can vary the exact variation of the lift, but you want to get the frequency, and the exact lift for streaks is entirely fine.

We’ll see whether I lift the barbell in the yard, of if I end up going to pf every day till I’ve completed the Sig Klein challenge.

A barbell hang clean and press with 185lbs is roughly equivalent in my eyes, and training for that in the yard counts for the frequency, but isn’t fully specific.

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