11/13/23 – Calling An Audible To Continue The “Overhead Press Every Day” Streak :

Okay, today I made two shorts.


It’s a struggle in my mind debating whether to eat the day’s nine eggs, fast, or eat something different.


My mood wasn’t good for lifting.
I took a hot shower upon waking ,(what a joy hot water is), the entire time just scared for no real reason about 225+ lbs.

So, I called the audible, kept the overhead press every day going by doing the see saw press.


See I’d been meaning to film see saw pressing this entire time, and honestly, I want good stuff to be on video, not just the same workout each day, so see saw press hadn’t been getting done.

However, it’s a perfect in between/off day/light day lift.

Not only is it arguably the #1 upper body exercise, with my mismatched pair of 32kg kb and 75lb db, it’s only moderate in weight, so it’s perfect for giving my body a break while still putting weight overhead every day.


The turkish get up was a whim.

I’d stood up with a 95lb barbell before, it’s stuck with me that people online are scared to use two bells on the movement, and 48kg would be considered heavy…

So I tried it out.

Slick grass, not perfectly level, lol – maybe I’ll actually take the bells to a park or something, film there with at least flat ground.

It was super close.
Really, not picture perfect form, just getting it done – I think had I plotted out each step I might’ve made it today.

I’m sure that I surely did it wrong 🙂


I decided to skip the squats, so the light barbell squat every day ran almost five weeks.

Frankly I have a hard time calling a few empty bar squats “squat every day”, it’s more like general human motion.

(Note : make a video just showing the bent bar, talk it’s history, the value I put on all the starting out and little equipment times sweat I’ve poured with that bar, and how I still use it.)

I too decided that it may be a longer than twenty four hour fast – felt like eating nothing or lightly.

Decided to skip the eggs, then changed my mind around hour 17 of fasting, had some yogurt pretzels, a bowl of cereal with heavy cream, and a glass of milk as I cooked a frozen pizza – of which I ate about half, then drank a can of iced tea.

Gave myself a break…

And giving myself breaks is a real struggle for me mentally/emotionally.


Tomorrow may be a shot at pressing 10+ x185lbs whether as a back off set (from working to a 1rm), one of volume/sets at that weight, or stand alone.


And lookee ; about 9pm I’m again in the kitchen, finishing that frozen pizza, drinking milk, and boiling a bit more than half the 16oz package of pasta.

Shells today.
That sounds real good with butter and cheese.

(It was.)