Grocery Shop & Learn To Cook For Bulk :
“I’m trying to gain weight. I’m doing cheat meals twice a week.”
“Dude, you’re a twenty year old fit middleweight. Your metabolism is likely insane. You should be doing a cheat meal or two daily.”
“I don’t think I can even afford to eat out daily.”
That’s the point in the conversation where my mind was blown.
Since he’s relatively lean (solid 4 pack/soft 6 pack), 20 YEARS OLD, and eats mostly clean in bird like amounts/pigeon portions he’s at a spot where force feeding would be great. He’d stop floating around the 155lb mark, and would look monstrous just 15lbs heavier.
High metabolism, good leanness, and a bunch of good insertion points on his upper body.
He could eat up 25-30lbs to 180-185lbs, and not put on much if any fat.
I’ve seen it before with other kids similar in height/weight/metabolism.
I gave him the advice “step 1 : raw egg shakes”, he balked a bit at the idea of the taste, to which I explained “that’s why you add the ice cream, for enjoyable taste”.
You don’t have to drink eggs ala rocky. But you should be drinking eggs daily in these circumstances.
He wants an exact recipe while I’m telling him the guidelines.
•heavy cream and/or milk
•2-8 eggs (I then tell him to use 4)
•ice cream – pick your flavor
•pb, banana, whatever else you want that passes the “does it blend” test
He told me the prices of each cheat meal. I looked at him, and told him “for each of those meals you could’ve got 3lbs of beef and 2lbs of rice”.
He claims he doesn’t know how to cook beef. Dude, figure it out.
Doesn’t like rice. Ok, use something else. Ramen is the same cost.
All these skinny college kids are undereating and overthinking.
That’s a bad combo for gaining weight.
To bulk : stop undereating and overthinking, and instead overeat and underthink.
100% success rate. You’ll get bigger.
We talked about the crockpot some, he has one, and just listened while I told him if cooking is such an insurmountable task to just drop large amounts of meat and potatoes into that. The meat will taste better browned in a pan, but you don’t have to do that.
A lot of young dudes want to gain weight but hamstring themselves by :
•not eating enough, when they need to force feed for a little
•trying to pay to eat out all the time, when they need to go to the grocery store and scare the cashier with how much eggs, beef, and milk they buy – then learning to cook their hauls.
I’ve had a petite latina cashier use my massive haul of peanut butter and tuna as the starting point to flirt with me. I was stocking up during a sale – a few weeks of the accessories to the 50 packs of ramen I bought roughly every ten days.
My buddy was well known at one store for buying eggs daily, and at a different store for the same and sweet potatoes.
You want your groceries to shock the cashier, and not because all you have is condoms and oreos.
(That one was related to me by a coworker.)
When I wanted to gain weight bad at 17 I spent the summer every day eating
At my parent’s :
•two meals my mom made
•breaded chicken, waffles, and greek yogurt for breakfast
•half a frozen walmart pizza
•whole milk – gomad or more(up to 11 gallons a week)
At my aunt’s :
•3-6 twinkies/hostess/ring ding type things
•a real meal sometimes
•drinking their 1%/skim milk (not factored into the gomad, the above milk numbers meant milk, not white water)
•drinking powdered pink lemonade (that may have been no calorie, but I’d wash down Twinkies with it, and basically kept my glass filled as long as I was there)
This is one day, every day at home (obviously), and 4-5 days a week at my aunt’s in addition.
6500 calories daily, almost never less, occasionally more, for an entire summer.
If you’re not gaining weight, you’re not eating enough.
•Ground Beef
Go to the grocery store and learn to cook.
Getting big isn’t complicated.
Eat more, think less.
Persistence & Tenacity