10×10 Chins Superset W/ Mantra Pushups :

6/13/21 ~855/900-920pm

Right now my ribcage is cramping up. I walked into the gym about three hours ago, training with a buddy for awhile (two actually), then did my own stuff, the daily PT for awhile longer.

I’d done two sets of chins early in the session, I kept upping the number of mantra pushup sets.

At ten I decided to go to twenty, and was supersetting them with sets of 10 chins.

The rest being the long walk from one spot to the other, the pullup bar, and pushups in my burpees spot being on opposite sides of the gym floor.

I was applying “poor man’s chalk” (what’s available at commercial gyms) as necessary.

I don’t know whether I started with chins or pushups, so I did a set of chins to end making it definite that I’d done 10×10 in twenty to twenty five minutes with the superset.

The pushups my mantra count of around 25, the final set to 35. The final chin up set to 11.

The self talk from the middle sets to the end was amazing, strong, I was GUARANTEED to make it.


Extra credit reps on both, and this was the finisher at the end of the session.

10×10 pullups in 10:00 or 20:00 was something I set as a lifetime goal starting to train at fourteen years old.

At 27 I just roughly did it.

It’s cool to see these things happening, coming together.

Keep training. Always keep training.

Now to get the time down, and to get it as pullups in place of chins.

Persistence & Tenacity