The 100 Rep Density Dips Challenge :

How fast can you do 100 dips?

100 dips for time is a challenge I like doing on occasion.

It cracks me up, in the last 18 months I’ve done this thrice, and each time I’ve been consistent at about 3½ minutes.

Dips are a high effect exercise that can be done with relative ease.

Pushing the pace allows a lot of work in a short time.

It’s a bit of a game too – the balancing of reps per set and rest periods.

Rep out and you get more reps, but need more rest, and the clock is still running.

Less reps per set mean more sets -tick tock tick tock.

Give density dips a shot. See how fast you can race to 100 reps in.

100 reps as quickly as possible.