1/28/23 Journaling – More Early Kettlebell Impressions

Having watched a movie til the 3am hour, I start the day off after having slept into the afternoon by eating a pack of ramen, with raisins and peanuts, a couple tall glasses of milk, and a can of coke.

That taking 5:00, I could’ve cooked eggs or almost have cooked a steak in the same amount of time – this was being real lazy.

That’s a problem with americans – the real lazy lifestyle, not cooking healthy meals, watching lots of television, not working out.

I’ve been watching television the past few days, and I’m just viewing it as a destress, something for a brief period, before likely going back on the wagon.

•can vanilla coke
•quart milk


I’m into the idea of really milking the see-saw press for a time, building training around that.

The off center front squat as movement #2, the swing a more distant #3, maybe fat grips curls and overhead squats with the barbell as extra to the kb/db work.

With the availability of tools/toys in my developing (third world?) home gym with the kettlebell being brand spanking new, I don’t intend to hit the same session two days in a row EVER.

1st Lift :

See-Saw Press
10, 8, 7, 5

even on both sides as per mismatch bells, always started with db

F. Sq

Mismatch Shrugs
kb r, db l


The kettlebell is awkward, and long sets demand long time under tension.

That’s likely why you huff and puff so much with them.

The awkwardness of a cannonball with a handle, and the nature of the exercises themselves – this is why the kettlebell demands high tension.

Yes I know what girevoy sport is.
I’m talking about my experience thus far using my new kettlebell.

You have to be strong to snatch a kb, hold (ish) at lockout the kb, whilst doing so reach down to the ground, grab the db, clean it, and then do your shoulder exercises once both bells are shouldered and at the ready.

I can already tell this bell work is going to make me very strong.

Why did I not invest in a kb(s) sooner?

The off center front squat is awesome.

It surprised me that I can’t really squat with the bell racked with one arm only, that I have to hold it with the other hand as well.

Would any other object on one shoulder feel the same way squatting?
That’d be a cool experiment, best with a training partner – them as weight for pushups, squats, and a sturdy pullup bar plus the weights for weighting that.

That’s what I call “gorilla calisthenics”.
That’s the lifting you want for wrestling strength.

Outside a practice partner, sandbags are affordable to build, and if you have access to kettlebells they’re plenty awkward.


2nd Lift :

Two Hand Swings ss w/Neck Harness
15 swing/20x25lbs
12 swing/25x25lbs
8 swing/8x25lbs

the 8s done with higher tension on both exercises, practicing to hike bell back consciously with lats, and real controlled with a bit of good morning at both top and bottom to harness reps

more posterior chain work – there’s never enough posterior chain strength

it’s good to get in lots of mini sessions when you can


Do you need to do aerobic work, or will intervals spill over, carrying the aerobic with the anaerobic?

The idea of walking with the pair of bells is an interesting idea.

Every so often stop and do an exercise, “walking weighted roadwork”, and I still like the idea of forming a big chunk of concrete in a box, using that as a physical toy.

Yesterday I carried a giant cardboard, we call it bin, box – I don’t know the ft³ off the top of my head, around 15, and with my short arms barely able to grab the far side thought “this is 20lbs tops – I’d like to have to carry these dimensions but at say 150lbs sometime as a strength exercise”.

It’s good to have a foot in the labor world, which puts a foot in the strongman world via thoughts on the job, to lift weights outside as your thing, all this better than the 2d mundane of an indoor gym.

I have a hard time picturing going back to gyms now.


“living is something opposite of passively trying to not die” – I paraphrase, found this a powerful belief


Looking at my coworker’s lifestyles, it seems obvious to me that there’s a certain joie de vivre about the existences of some.

It’s something that one with too much brain thinks out of themselves by too much education/indoctrination, too much thinking, too much planning.

Not enough impulsivity, not enough going with the flow of the moment.

This argument is why I had started taking the brain out of the gym, just doing, not caring any detail, talking to everyone, having fun, being playful with it, the act of it.

I’ve been getting there again with The Cold Air Barbell Club, and though aspects would be nice and convenient, that’s why I’m sticking for the time to yard lifting.

My coworker had told me he once got laid by, while driving her home after an early date with the woman who is now his wife, the mother of his third child, JUMPING OUT of his truck, chasing a deer that had froze in his headlights out of the road into the woods, back into the cab panting “I almost got him”.


After about 30 days of kettlebell, having now gotten into see saw pressing, I’ll test and see where my 185lb barbell press for reps is.


•four sticks twix candy

3rd Lift :

KB 1 Arm Row
25l, 25r
DB Side Press
15l, 12r, 8r, 10l, 5r

PostWorkout Meal :

•two hotdogs
•24oz milk

this was all within a ten minute time span




Dynamic Tension Feeder Workouts :

I tend to do this standing in the bathroom, I’ll call it dynamic tension since it’s flexing, without weights, but with range of motion.

I’m standing, simulating hammer curls, pushdowns, then with torso motion – a chest press and a row.

Everything is firing hard.


Yep, watching youtube held no draw.


•chocolate covered pb pretzels

as a half box of fish sticks cooked to make

•fish sandwiches (fish sticks, six slices american cheese, four slices bread, butter)
•20oz cherry coke




Persistence & Tenacity