Ate about 10oz bacon (raw weight), similar weight of a dutch apple pie from wally world – up about 12 hours at this point, worked most of that, at work I was given some chocolates, and candies – ate those, 500 calories tops, fasted otherwise.
Got rained on, drank only water, the gatorades will be for another day.
Probably to the gym too late to train with a couple buddies, I’m fueling up after a fast, and still have to figure out fuel at work.
Alternating chicken breast, bacon, and almonds probably every hour or so sounds right.
That’d entail food prep.
I’d have to make time.
It’d work – both for the job, and bodybuilding purposes.
I’m not meeting up with one buddy cause I want to sleep before work tommorow.
He too wanted to gym with me.
It would’ve ran late.
Another dude was hoping to run into me for weighted pullups, told him we could today, don’t expect to run into him, I likely worked too late.
Need clients, one a day, and I could quit this job.
This job that I don’t want to stay at…even though it’s a “good job”,
and admittedly has awesome coworkers – so foreign compared to the moving company.
It just works you a lot.
I’m not digging it’s work/life balance.
Ten clients at the local hourly rate, ten hours a week doing what I need to be doing, and it’d pay better than 52 hours at this job.
Right now work this job, ride the fat loss from it to lean & mean, get to having a client a day.