February 2025 Flow – The Successful Journey Of Strength Defines Itself :

Daily pushups from mid teens on is a shockingly effective workout strategy.

There’s definitely a thing called “man strength”, and yes while some teenage males get to it – most need longer in the modern world.

At 21yo my hand strength shot up a couple levels.

It again, and full body strength in general, both shot up in my mid 20s.

At 30yo the results from a few years of mostly overhead pressing is now coming together, and I’m showing hella strength with kettlebell pressing NOW.

Shoulders were long a weak body part.
It’s safe to say that I’m well into the 99th percentile on strict pressing strength – the only place I’ll be outclassed is by professional strongmen.

My point is ; is that strength training is a longer than decade journey.

It doesn’t need ideal training, equipment, or diet.

Just about anything can be “right” given the effort and evaluated five/ten/fifteen/more years down the line.

When people are one arm pressing more than your bench the whole thing seems futile, especially with your teenage elbows and wrist hurting after that max bench…

But the thing is when you never quit, when you never stop you’ll be a late twenties or thirty something man who gave himself the gift of physical strength at a level stronger than 95% or more of humanity.

I don’t care where you are.
I don’t care that you’re poor and living on rice, eggs, tuna, and chickpeas.
I don’t care that you have no workout equipment…

What I want to see is you start smashing the daily pushups and your daily squats.
Right now. Tonight.

And never stop strength training.


You can get jacked on milk and top ramen with a heavy sandbag.

You can get jacked eating rice and beans with a 300lb barbell under the shade of a tree.

You can even make it on machines only at a commercial gym.

There is no singular path to big and strong, no program anyway, perfect diet, or perfect gym.

You want to be bigger and stronger than you are?
Get to it!

Eat food. Large quantities, big portions of nutritious food.

Doesn’t matter if it’s peanuts and coconut oil, eggs and milk, or steak and potatoes.

It all works!

Strength train.
Pushups. Kettlebell. Barbell. Sandbag. Machines…

It all works!

It’s the consistency and effort over time that is the secret sauce to the whole thing.

What you’ll do to achieve it IS the right path.

The right path is that, is itself.
There is no external nothing.

You make it. Or you don’t.

Be strong.

Persistence & Tenacity

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